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SzOTE KIL (László Almási, Zoltán Nemessányi, Edit Huhn)
Gamma Works (Ádám Billing)
SEGAMS is a hierarchic (tree-structured) nuclear medicine system, in which the doctor can control the whole evaluation process in the form of a dialogue with the help of an alphanumerical display connected to the system. Our main aim was to develop a „doctor-oriented”, „doctor-proof”, and clearly arranged system. For this we made sure that in every work-phase the user sees all possibilities of the system from which a choice can be made that is appropriate from the medical aspect. Acquisition possibilities: Static study: imaging the distribution of radioactivity from different directions. Dynamic study: following in time the change of distribution of radioactivity through an image sequence. Major processing possibilities: processing individual images, frame-algebra, Region Of Interest (ROI) selection, producing time-activity curves over a ROI, …


Kidney study (static)

Liver study (dynamic HIDA) with four ROIs (Region Of Interest)
Time/activity curves over the four ROIs
László Csernay, Árpád Makay, János Csirik, Eörs Máté: Gammakamera-kisszámítógép (TPAi) software rendszerterve, Budapest, 1975, p. 1-98
László Csernay, János Csirik, Zoltán Nemessányi, Árpád Makay: Experience with an on-line system for evaluation and presentation of results Eur. J. Nucl. Med., 4: 145, 1979
János Csirik, László Almási, László Csernay, Zoltán Nemessányi: New display possibilities of SEGAMS Eur. J. Nucl. Med., 4: 145, 1979
Attila Kuba, László Csernay: Simulation studies in reconstruction tomography Eur J Nucl Med, 4 (1979) 144
Attila Kuba, László Csernay: Reconstruction of spatial distribution of isotopes from orthogonal projections. Proc. of Ivth Symp. on the Use of Radioisotopes in Gastroenterology, Cluj-Napoca, 1977, International Nomenclature Committee, Stuttgart (1979) 9-15
János Csirik, László Csernay, Árpád Makay, Eörs Máté: SEGAMS: A tree-structured hierarchical data processing system. Information Processing in Medical Imaging, INSERM: 88 547-558, 1979
János Csirik: Zur Beeinflussung der Zahlratenstatistik durch die Totzeit des Strahlungsmessgerätes, Nuc Compact (1980) 141