Jelenlegi hely
Publications of Antal Nagy
Study of the Inner Structure of a Damaged Control Rod by Neutron and X-ray Radiography and Discrete Tomography. In: Arif M, editor. Proceedings of the Eight World Conference WCNR-8.; 2008. 2. p. 294-303p.
Comparison Radiography and Tomography Possibilities of FRM-II (20 MW) and Budapest (10 MW) Research Reactor. In: Arif M, editor. Proceedings of the Eight World Conference WCNR-8.; 2008. 1. p. 18-27p.
Algorithms, automata, complexity and games Preface. THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2008;406(1-2):1.
In Memoriam Attila Kuba (1953-2006). THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE. 2008;406(1-2):2-7.
Emission discrete tomography. In: Herman G T, Kuba A, editors. ADVANCES IN DISCRETE TOMOGRAPHY AND ITS APPLICATIONS. Cambridge: Birkhauser Boston; 2007. 3. p. 333-366p. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis ).
Discrete Tomography Methods for Nondestructive Testing. In: Herman G T, Kuba A, editors. Advances in Discrete Tomography and Its Applications. Birkhauser; 2007. 3. p. 303-332p. (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis ).
DICOM Based PACS and Its Application in the Education. In: Orphanoudakis S, editor. International EuroPACS Meeting, EuroPACS '96.; 1996. 4. p. 46-49p.