5.5 Dynamic Systems Development Method – Business value
Developed in The UK in the mid 1990s, by business personnel.
Managed by the DSDM Consortium.
A project has three phases
Pre project: activity to initiate the project
Project life cycle
Feasibility Study
Business Study
Functional Model Iteration
Design and Build Iteration
Post-project: closure activities
The methodology:
Focusing on business value
Formal flavor of agile
Importance of requirements management
Sets stakeholder expectations: not all requirements will be implemented
Heavy documentation needs
Active user involvement
Team is to be motivated to deliver
Frequent delivery is a must
Primary acceptance criteria of a delivery is to meet current business needs
Iterative and incremental development
All changes are reversible
Requirements are high, business level
Thorough testing is required throughout the development
Collaboration of stakeholders is essential
Requirements managed in 4 sets:
Must / Should / Could / Would (MoSCoW acronym)