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13th International Conference on

Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery

October 25-27, 2006
Szeged, Hungary

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Preliminary Scientific Program

Wednesday, October 25
8:00-8:45 Registration
8:45-9:00 Welcome
9:00-10:00 Invited Lecture
9:00-10:00 Jean-Marc Chassery, David Coeurjolly, Isabelle Sivignon
Duality and Geometry Straightness, Characterization and Envelope
10:00-10:50 Discrete Geometry
10:00-10:25 Yaniv Altshuler, Vladimir Yanovsky, Daniel Vainsencher, Israel A. Wagner, Alfred M. Bruckstein
On Minimal Perimeter Polyominoes
10:25-10:50 Gaëlle Largeteau-Skapin, Eric Andres
Two Discrete-Euclidean Operations Based on the Scaling Transform
10:50-11:20 Coffee Break & Registration
11:20-13:00 Topology
11:20-11:45 Valentin E. Brimkov, Davide Moroni, Reneta Barneva
Combinatorial Relations for Digital Pictures
11:45-12:10 Rocío González-Díaz, Belén Medrano, Javier Sánchez-Peláez, Pedro Real
Reusing Integer Homology Information of Binary Digital Images
12:10-12:35 Damien Jamet, Jean-Luc Toutant
On the Connectedness of Rational Arithmetic Discrete Hyperplanes
12:35-13:00 Katja Schladitz, Joachim Ohser, Werner Nagel
Measuring Intrinsic Volumes in Digital 3d Images
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-16:10 Image Analysis and Segmentation
14:30-14:55 Jean Cousty, Gilles Bertrand, Michel Couprie, Laurent Najman
Fusion Graphs, Region Merging and Watersheds
14:55-15:20 Joakim Lindblad, Natasa Sladoje, Tibor Lukic
Feature Based Defuzzification in Z2 and Z3 Using a Scale Space Approach
15:20-15:45 Kristof Teelen, Peter Veelaert
Improving Difference Operators by Local Feature Detection
15:45-16:10 Peer Stelldinger, Ullrich Köthe, Hans Meine
Topologically Correct Image Segmentation Using Alpha Shapes
16:10-16:30 Coffee Break
16:30-18:10 Shape Representation
16:30-16:55 Francisco Ramos, Miguel Chover, Oscar Ripolles, Carlos Granell
Continuous Level of Detail on Graphics Hardware
16:55-17:20 Srecko Brlek, Xavier Provençal
An Optimal Algorithm for Detecting Pseudo-squares
17:20-17:45 David Coeurjolly, Florent Dupont, Laurent Jospin, Isabelle Sivignon
Optimization Schemes for the Reversible Discrete Volume Polyhedrization Using Marching Cubes Simplification
17:45-18:10 Christophe Fiorio, Jean-Luc Toutant
Arithmetic Discrete Hyperspheres and Separatingness
Thursday, October 26
9:00-10:00 Invited Lecture
9:00-10:00 T. Yung Kong
Minimal Non-Simple and Minimal Non-Cosimple Sets
10:00-10:50 Distance
10:00-10:25 Jérôme Hulin, Edouard Thiel
Chordal Axis on Weighted Distance Transforms
10:25-10:50 Robin Strand, Benedek Nagy, Céline Fouard, Gunilla Borgefors
Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences
10:50-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-13:00 Discrete Tomography
11:20-11:45 Péter Balázs
The Number of Line-Convex Directed Polyominoes Having the Same Orthogonal Projections
11:45-12:10 Kees Joost Batenburg
A Network Flow Algorithm for Binary Image Reconstruction from Few Projections
12:10-12:35 Sara Brunetti, Alain Daurat, Attila Kuba
Fast Filling Operations Used in the Reconstruction of Convex Lattice Sets
12:35-13:00 Akira Kaneko, Rina Nagahama
Reconstruction Algorithm and Switching Graph for Two-Projection Tomography with Prohibited Subregion
13:00-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:45 Skeletonization I.
14:30-14:55 Carlo Arcelli, Gabriella Sanniti di Baja, Luca Serino
New Removal Operators for Surface Skeletonization
14:55-15:20 Xiang Bai, Longin Jan Latecki, Wen-Yu Liu
Skeleton Pruning by Contour Partitioning
15:20-15:45 Gilles Bertrand, Michel Couprie
A New 3D Parallel Thinning Scheme Based on Critical Kernels
15:45-17:30 Poster Session (coffee served)
Olivier Bodini, Sandrine Lefranc
How to Tile by Dominoes the Boundary of a Polycube
Lilian Buzer
A Composite and Quasi Linear Time Method for Digital Plane Recognition
Bruno M. Carvalho, Lucas M. Oliveira, Gilbran S. Andrade
Fuzzy Segmentation of Color Video Shots
François de Vieilleville, Jacques-Olivier Lachaud
Revisiting Digital Straight Segment Recognition
Timothée Faucon, Etienne Decenciére, Cédric Magneron
Application of Surface Topological Segmentation to Seismic Imaging
Fabien Feschet, Jean-Pierre Reveillès
A Generic Approach for n-Dimensional Digital Lines
Céline Fouard, Magnus Gedda
An Objective Comparison between Gray Weighted Distance Transforms and Weighted Distance Transforms On Curved Spaces
Vasily Goncharenko, Alexander Tuzikov
Watershed Segmentation with Chamfer Metric
Carine Grasset-Simon, Guillaume Damiand
Generalized Map Pyramid for Multi-level 3D Image Segmentation
András Hajdu, Lajos Hajdu
On the Lattice Structure of Subsets of Octagonal Neighborhood Sequences in Zn
Leena Ikonen, Toni Kuparinen, Eduardo Villanueva, Pekka Toivanen
Distance Transforms on Anisotropic Surfaces for Surface Roughness Measurement
Reinhard Klette, Jovisa Zunic
On Discrete Moments of Unbounded Order
Walter G. Kropatsch, Adrian Ion, Yll Haxhimusa, Thomas Flanitzer
The Eccentricity Transform (of a Digital Shape)
Susana Mata, Luis Pastor, Angel Rodríguez
Attention-based Mesh Simplification Using Distance Transforms
Tetsuo Miyake, Naoya Iwata, Satoshi Horihata, Zhong Zhang
Projected Area Based 3D Shape Similarity Evaluation
Benedek Nagy
Geometry of Neighborhood Sequences in Hexagonal Grid
Nicolas Normand, Andrew Kingston, Pierre Évenou
A Geometry Driven Reconstruction Algorithm for the Mojette Transform
Samuel Peltier, Laurent Fuchs, Pascal Lienhardt
Homology of Simploidal Set
Laurent Provot, Lilian Buzer, Isabelle Debled-Rennesson
Recognition of Blurred Pieces of Discrete Planes
André Vital Saúde, Michel Couprie, Roberto Lotufo
Exact Euclidean Medial Axis in Higher Resolution
Imants Svalbe, Shekhar Chandra, Andrew Kingston, Jean-Pierre Guédon
Quantised Angular Momentum Vectors and Projection Angle Distributions for Discrete Radon Transformations
Stina Svensson, Ida-Maria Sintorn
Hierarchical Chamfer Matching Based on Propagation of Gradient Strengths
Hugues Talbot
Elliptical Distance Transforms and Applications
Antoine Vacavant, David Coeurjolly, Laure Tougne
Topological and Geometrical Reconstruction of Complex Objects on Irregular Isothetic Grids
Peter Veelaert, Kristof Teelen
Fast Polynomial Segmentation of Digitized Curves
Stefan Weber, Antal Nagy, Thomas Schüle, Christoph Schnörr, Attila Kuba
A Benchmark Evaluation of Large-Scale Optimization Approaches to Binary Tomography
Steffen Zopf
Construction of Switching Components
Friday, October 27
9:00-10:00 Invited Lecture
9:00-10:00 László Lovász
Geometric Representations and Algorithms
10:00-10:50 Skeletonization II.
10:00-10:25 Marcin Iwanowski, Pierre Soille
Order Independence in Binary 2D Homotopic Thinning
10:25-10:50 M.A.M.M. van Dortmont, H.M.M. van de Wetering, A.C. Telea
Skeletonization and Distance Transforms of 3D Volumes Using Graphics Hardware
10:50-11:20 Coffee Break
11:20-12:35 Surfaces and Volumes
11:20-11:45 Martine Dexet, Eric Andres
A Generalized Preimage for the Standard and Supercover Digital Hyperplane Recognition
11:45-12:10 Filip Malmberg, Erik Vidholm, Ingela Nyström
A 3D Live-wire Segmentation Method for Volume Images Using Haptic Interaction
12:10-12:35 Isabelle Sivignon, David Coeurjolly
Minimal Decomposition of a Digital Surface into Digital Plane Segments is NP-Hard
12:35-14:15 Closing & Farewell Lunch
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Page last updated: September 21, 2006 10:42 AM