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13th International Conference onDiscrete Geometry for Computer Imagery October 25-27, 2006
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Instructions to AuthorsThe proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer Verlag, in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. Full papers, at most twelve pages long, should be prepared according to the recommendations of LNCS. Please follow carefully the instructions to authors and use the LaTeX2e style files provided by LNCS (and also downloadable from our site) during the preparation of your manuscript. MS Word and other word processor formats will not be accepted. All papers must be submitted in electronic format as PDF files before the submission deadline. Step 1: Typeset a proper documentAll papers must be in English. The papers should provide sufficient background information and should clearly indicate the original contribution. They should state and discuss the main results and provide adequate references. A manuscript should be formatted according to Springer's guidelines. The maximum length is 12 pages. Papers accepted for the conference will be allocated 12 pages in the proceedings, therefore, manuscripts should be submitted in the length and format intended for final publication. Papers that deviate too much from our guidelines will be returned to the authors. They will be reviewed only after they satisfy our requirements to a minimal degree. We can only accept manuscripts typeset using LaTeX2e according to the given templates and guidelines. Note that the proceedings will be printed in black and white. If authors send colored figures, they should make sure that they are also legible in black and white. The colored figures appear as colored figures in the online version and at no extra charge. Step 2: Prepare a PDF versionAll papers must be submitted in Adobe's Portable Document Format (PDF). These submissions must be formatted to A4 page size, and in first-page-first order. Please verify that the final version of your PDF file prints correctly to a PostScript printer before submission. Documents that do not print correctly cannot be reviewed. Step 3: Submit your paper via the DGCI 2006 web siteAll papers must be submitted in electronic format using the ConfTool system via our web site. If you would prefer poster presentation of your contribution please make a note to the program committee in the comment field of the submission form. If for some reason the submission web-site does not work for you, we kindly request you to inform us of the problem. We will try to solve it within the shortest possible delay. We prefer not to receive paper submissions by e-mail. However, if for some reason you are unable to use the submission system, please do not hesitate to contact us at dgci@inf.u-szeged.hu. Your submitted paper will be visually inspected to assure that the document is readable and meets the basic formatting requirements. If we encounter errors with your submitted file, we will contact you to resolve the issue. If your paper passes the initial inspection, it will be entered into the review process. Step 4: The review processAll submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 members of the Program Committee; additional reviewers will be consulted if necessary. The reviewers will be selected based on the title and abstract of your paper. The reviewers will base their advise on the full paper, which they can access within the ConfTool system. When the review process is finished, you will be notified by email of the outcome for your paper(s). You will then be able to view the review reports for your papers in the ConfTool system on our website. Step 5: Final cameraready paper submissionThe reviewers of your paper may have pointed out small errors and omissions in your paper or have made suggestions for improvements. You can find the reviews result at our web page by clicking on the ConfTool link. You are kindly requested to carefully take into account the comments of reviewers, if any, in preparing your camera ready paper, as failing to do so may result in non-publication of your paper in the proceedings volume. Papers, at most twelve pages long, should be prepared according to the recommendations of LNCS. Please follow carefully the instructions to authors and use the LaTeX2e style files provided by LNCS (and also downloadable from our site) during the preparation of your manuscript. MS Word and other word processor formats will not be accepted. It is essential that you use the templates provided on this website. You can submit your cameraready papers using the "Upload Final Paper" page on our website. Note that Springer requires both paper version and electronic version of your manuscript. Both versions are due by July 3, 2006. You need to use the ConfTool link at the DGCI 2006 web page, to your electronic version (final paper, ps or pdf, plus all LaTeX2e source files) in a single archive file. You should send by July, 3 2006 (strict!) the paper copy of your camera-ready paper and the signed copyright form to: Attila Kuba If you prefer, you can alternatively send your signed copyright form
by fax to The copyright form is downloadable from our site. On the form, specify "The 13th International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI 2006)" as the conference name and A. Kuba, L.G. Nyul, and K. Palagyi as the volume editors. |
The data on this page is © DGCI'2006. All rights reserved. Page last updated: September 17, 2006 12:10 PM |
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