(CS)2 - Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

Szeged, Hungary, June 28 - 30, 2012

Hungary's Renewal
New Szechenyi Plan
Supported by TAMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0012 Programme for Broadening the knowledge base and supporting the long term professional sustainability of the Research University Centre of Excellence at the University of Szeged by ensuring the rising generation of excellent scientists.


Table of contents of the proceedings

Elvira Antal and Erika GriechischSymbolic Tools for Reformulation of Unconstrained Nonlinear Optimization Problems1
Artyom Antyipin, Attila Góbi, and Tamás KozsikLow Level Conditional Move Optimization (Intel Sandy Bridge and AMD K12)2
Viktor Ágilán, János Balogh, Balázs Dávid, and Miklós KrészHeuristic Methods for the Bus Rescheduling Problem3
Péter BodnárBarcode Detection with Uniform Partitioning and Morphological Operations4
Zsolt BorsiDescribing interaction relationships in SMV language6
András Bóta, Miklós Krész, and András PluhárEfficient simulation of infection processes7
Gabriella DivékiAn online 1-dimensional clustering problem with variable sized clusters8
Tibor Dobján and Gábor NémethSpectrum skeletonization: a new method for acoustic sign feature extraction9
Ádám Fazekas, Hiroshi Daimon, Hiroyuki Matsuda, and László TóthComputation of Background for Photoemission Electron Microscope Image Using FPGA10
Bálint FodorEnvironment Matting by Sparse Recovery11
E. Földi, A. Mosavi, A. Delavar, K. N. Hewage, A. S. Milani, A. A. Moussavi, and M. YeheyisReconsidering theMultiple Criteria DecisionMaking Problems of Construction Projects; Using Advanced Visualization and Data Mining Tools13
András FülöpA Biological Driven Method for Correlation Clustering15
Mihály Gara and Péter BalázsArtificial Intelligence Methods in Discrete Tomography16
Attila Góbi, Zalán Szűgyi, and Tamás KozsikEmbedding a Query Language into C++17
Erika Griechisch and János CsirikAcceleration-based Online Signature Verification18
Gergely Gulyás and József DombiThe vagueness measure: a new interpretation and an application to image thresholding19
Norbert Hantos, Péter Balázs, and Kálmán PalágyiBinary Tomography Using Two Projections and Morphological Skeleton20
László HegedüsOn Some Subsystems of Interval-Valued Logic21
László Hegedüs and Benedek NagyPeriodicity of Circular Words22
Péter HegedűsA Probabilistic Software Quality Model for C# – an Industrial Case Study23
Renáta HodovánThe Security History of the WebKit Browser Engine25
Balázs Keresztury and László CserIntroduction to an automatized cheating prevention system at computerized open-book lab exams26
Péter KovácsWavelets and rational function methods in ECG signal processing28
Edit LázárPhP + MySQL questions and possible answers30
Szidónia LefkovitsHybrid Face Detector Based on Boosted Classifiers31
Balázs László LévaiVerified localization of trajectories with prescribed behaviour in the forced damped pendulum33
Levente Lócsi and Ferenc SchippAnalysis of a hyperbolic optimization method34
Amir Mosavi and Miklós Hoffmann, A. S. MilaniAdapting the Reactive Search Optimization and Visualization Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization Problems; Application to Geometry35
György MóraApproximate dictionary matching for biomedical information extraction37
István Nagy T.Wikipedia-based methods to identify noun compounds in running texts39
József NémethOnline Signature Feature Extraction from Video40
György OrbánAnalysing Synchronization Contract Support in Modern Software Development Methodologies41
István Orosz and Tamás OroszChange management applying comparison of different versions of Dynamics AX43
Zoltán Ozsvár and Péter BalázsEmpirical Studies of Reconstructing hv-Convex Binary Matrices from Horizontal and Vertical Projections44
Krisztián Pándi and Hassan Charaf Dr.Synergy between mobile terminal and cloud computing.45
Zsombor Paróczix86 instruction reordering for code compression47
István PóserNon-destructive Examination of Tree Trunks with the Help of National Instruments Devices49
Attila Selmeci and Tamás Gábor OroszWorkflow processing using SAP Objects50
Melinda SimonAST-based source code analysis and visualization51
Tamás Sámuel Tasi and Péter BalázsExtracting Geometrical Features of Discrete Images from Their Projections52
Tamás SzirbuczIdeas for Improving Efficiency of Procedural Abstraction53
Alex Tormási and László T. KóczyEfficiency and Accuracy Analysis of a Fuzzy Single-Stroke Character Recognizer with Various Rectangle Fuzzy Grids54
Gábor Valasek, Levente Sallai, András Jámbori, and Júlia HorváthGeometric Newton-Raphson Methods for Plane Curves56
László Varga, Péter Balázs, and Antal NagyA Novel Optimization-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Multivalued Discrete Tomography57
List of Participants58

New Szechenyi PlanHungary's Renewal
Supported by TAMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0012 Programme for Broadening the knowledge base and supporting the long term professional sustainability of the Research University Centre of Excellence at the University of Szeged by ensuring the rising generation of excellent scientists.

Last change: 2014-01-28