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General Information
Educational Programs at the Institute of Informatics
The Institute of Informatics has been an independent unit of the Faculty of Science and Informatics since 1990.
There are six departments at the Institute:
- Department of Image Processing and Computer Graphics
- Department of Technical Informatics
- Department of Foundations of Computer Science
- Department of Computer Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence
- Department of Computational Optimization
- Department of Software Engineering
We work in strong cooperation with the Research Group on Artificial Intelligence of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in both education and research. A doctoral school was established at the Institute in 1993; it operates as the Information Technology Program of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Szeged.
The Institute publishes an English language journal, Acta Cybernetica, which is an important forum and output of our research activity and PhD training. Approximately 150, mainly foreign educational institutions receive this periodical.
The library of the Institute, open to our students with documents for consultation on the premises, has a constantly growing number of books, currently around 5000, and provides access to numerous scientific journals.
We use our own, well equipped rooms (with blackboards, multimedia devices and computers) for education, and also rent rooms from the University of Szeged.
Our BSc, MSc and teacher training programs are as follows:
• BSc in Business Information Technology,
• BSc in Engineering Information Technology,
• BSc in Software Information Technology,
• MSc in Business Information Technology,
• MSc in Engineering Information Technology,
• MSc in Info-Bionics Engineering,
• MSc in Software Information Technology,
• Teacher of Informatics (MSc)
• Teacher of Informatics and a chosen subject (‘undivided’ / integrated teacher training)
Career opportunities
If you graduated as a teacher of informatics your career opportunities are good, if you are a software engineer or software designer mathematician your career opportunities are very good, and as an information technology engineer or business information engineer, your career opportunities are excellent.
We do our best to help students study one or two semesters at foreign universities. For this reason we take part in projects with international partners, through which our students have the chance to pursue their studies partly abroad.
Our students can also join the research projects of our Institution, and can continue to work with us after graduation, as PhD students. As a result of their scientific activities, our students regularly present high level scientific essays at National Scientific Students’ Associations Conferences.
We have well equipped computer laboratories for practical training, where our students can work and freely use the internet also as extra-curricular activity.
For more information visit our webpage at or read our brochure: kiadvany2011.pdf. Whether you are a parent, a form-master, a teacher or a student, feel free to write us to our e-mail address:, and we will answer all your questions!