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About us
The Institute of Informatics, was established in 1990 as part of the Faculty of Science and Informatics at the University of Szeged. Our main task is to teach modern computer science and information technology and to take part in innovative and research-and-development projects.
Taking the general need for up-to-date knowledge of informatics into consideration, we designed our educational programs, including BSc, MSc and teacher training programs, so that many students can find their place at our institution. After the master studies, those, who would like to deal with information science at a deeper level, can join our doctoral school. Students preparing for their MSc studies can acquire the necessary knowledge at our IT Basics courses. And last, but not least, we provide basic education of informatics at several other programs of the Faculty of Science and Informatics at the University of Szeged.
Our students have the chance to travel, work or do research abroad. We also do our best to help students study one or two semesters at foreign universities. For this reason we take part in projects with international partners, through which our students have the chance to pursue their studies partly abroad. Students are also welcome to join the research projects going on at the Institute. In consequence, our students regularly present high level scientific results at Local and National Scientific Students’ Associations Conferences.
MSc graduates interested in research can join one of the many exciting research projects of our Doctoral School of Computer Scinece, established in 2002.
Besides performing educational tasks, we implement research-and-development and innovative projects with our institutional and industrial partners.
The Institute publishes an English language journal, Acta Cybernetica, which is an important forum and output of our research activity and PhD training. Approximately 150, mainly foreign educational institutions receive this periodical.