Stanford: Introduction to Human-Computer Interactions (4 mins)
Stanford: Birth of HCI (9 mins)
Criteria for Human-Machine Interaction with AI (2020)
Microsoft: Human-Computer Interaction in the Year 2020 (2008)
Ray Kurzweil: The accelerating power of technology (2005) (23 mins)
Beginner's Guide to UX Research (until 'People to Follow', approx 14 mins to read)
Stanford: The Power of Prototyping (14 mins)
Stanford: Evaluating Designs (12 mins)
Stanford: Needfinding Strategies (12 mins)
Stanford: Design Heuristics (20 mins)
Mental model (PPT), Mental models in web UX
Stanford: More Design Heuristics (17 mins)
Spotify: The complex relationship between data and design in UX (11 mins)
Humans, not Users: Why UX is a Problem (12 mins)
Input devices (aka hardware in HCI) (PPT)
Input technologies and techniques, Human Computer Interaction Handbook, Chapter 9 (pages 138-148)
Sensors and sensing modes, Human Computer Interaction Handbook (pages 154-159)
Design considerations in recognition-based systems, Human Computer Interaction Handbook (pages 166-170)
Will Smartwatches Replace Smartphones?
Why Google Glass Failed (4 mins)
Technology that knows what you're feeling
Brain-Computer Interfaces intro (13 mins)
Medical applications fo BCI (17 mins)
Neuralink's first human subject
Smart devices (PPT)
Design Solutions for Smart Homes Through User-Centered Scenarios
Mark Zuckerberg: Building Jarvis
Introduction to Ambient Assisted Living
Chatbots and Dialogue Systems (the Ch 15 of Jurafsky and Martin: Speech and Language Processing), (PPT)
Climbing towards NLU: On Meaning, Form, and Understanding in the Age of Data (13 mins)
IBM Watson and the Jeopardy! challenge (4 mins)
IBM Project Debater (2 mins)
Large Language Models (PPT)
The NLP book on Large Language Models: Chapters 3,6,9,10,11
Evaluation of LLM-based applications (PPT)
Building and evaluating RAGs (1 hour short course)
User adaptition (PPT)
MS Clippy (10 mins)
Robotic Process Automation (7 mins)
Systems That Adapt to Their Users (pages 1-13)
Usability Challenges and Obtaining Information About Users (pages 13-19)
The filter bubble (9 mins)
Introduction to Machine Learning (PPT)
Supervised vs unsupervised learning (7 mins)
Recommender Systems (PPT)
Machine Learning algorithms in recommendation systems (video series)
Active Learning Improves Nighttime Pedestrian Detection (2 mins)
Reinforcement Learning (PPT)
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (Sutton & Barto) pages (1-12)
Bandits (6 mins)
Gábor Berend: Interpretability and explainability in ML (PPT)
Visual interfaces (PPT)
Eye tracking in action, Eye tracking in gaming (3+7 mins)
Object recognition in video, occlusion (2+3 mins)
Immersive technologies (9 mins)
Image and text (PPT)
How we're teaching computers to understand pictures (18 mins)
EU AI act (4 mins)
AI regulation in EU, US and China
Privacy Challenges in AI (4 mins)
GDPR (7 mins)
Protecting Privacy in AI (8 mins)
Data Security (55 mins)
AI Adversarial Robustness (30 mins)
The Social Dilemma (movie and more)
Why privacy matters (21 mins)