(CS)2 -  The 14th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

Szeged, Hungary, July 3 - 5, 2024


Conference location

The conference will be located in the building of Bolyai Institute (Bolyai Intézet). It is to be found at Aradi Vértanuk tere 1.


The accommodation will be in the István Apáthy Student Hostel (Apáthy István utca 4.). You can check-in after 14:00 on the day of arrival, and must check-out until 10:00 on the day of departure. (If you bring your loggage to the conference suite, we can lock it in a room.)


A visa to Hungary is not necessary for citizens of most countries, however please check with your travel office.


The lunch will be in the Hági Udvar, Kelemen L. utca 3.

Travel to Szeged

By train

Trains usually depart at :50 (first is at 4:30) every hour between 4:30 and 20:50 from Budapest "Nyugati pályaudvar", on the backward direction the departure time is usually :44 (first two is at 4:30 and 5:46) every hour between 4:30 and 20:44 from Szeged "Nagyállomás". Travel time is about two and a half hours. You are recommended to check the schedules for this destination.

By bus

Direct bus lines are available from/to many cities. You might check the bus schedules.

By car

You can reach Szeged on the M5 motorway (fee required) or route 5 from Budapest (from north-nortwest), on M43 motorway (fee required) or route 43 (from east), and routes 47 (from north-east) and 55 (from west).

Travel in Szeged

Trams, trolleys and buses

Szeged has three tram lines (2, 3, 4) plus a TramTrain (serving a part of line 2 and connecting Szeged to Algyő and Hódmezővásárhely), six trolley lines (5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 19), and many bus lines. As the conference locations are close to each other in the downtown , you might use these only when arriving, leaving or exploring the city.
Conference locations can be reached from the two train stations Nagyállomás and Rókus pályaudvar by tram #2 and the TramTrain. From the bus station you can also use tram line #2 or the TramTrain from the Rókusi Templom, or travel by a trolley or bus to the Széchenyi tér (where tram #2 and the TramTrain are also available). Tickets can be purchased in kiosks, from ticket machines (single ticket valid for a single travel for 470 HUF, 60-minutes ticket valid for many travels within 1 hour of validation), on the vehicles from the drivers (single ticket for 650 HUF, cash) or from on-board vending machines (single ticket for 550 HUF, 60-minutes ticket for 600 HUF, with paypass cards). Or you can buy 24-hour (1450 / 1510 HUF, pre-purchased / onboard) or 72-hour ticket (2880 / 2940 HUF).


Szeged has three rings and many avenues. You can reach the inner ring (Tisza Lajos körút) from any avenue, but be cautious entering the downtown inside the inner ring: there are many traffic restrictions (one-way streets, dead-ends, etc.). There are many parking places in the downtown near the Aradi Vértanuk tere. Inside and around the middle ring (Nagykörút) and at some other places you have to pay for parking at the parking machines or by SMS on weekdays (mostly between 8:00 and 18:00 but check the signs), and for some places on weekends too.

Last change: 2024-07-02