About Us

The aim of the School is to provide postgraduate education at the University of Szeged, leading to the degree of PhD in computer science. The School operates within the Institute of Informatics. The research topics actively pursued in the School include theoretical computer science, operations research, combinatorial optimization, software engineering, artificial intelligence, image processing, and electrical and computer engineering.

SZTE rektori épület

  • Name: Doctoral School of Computer Science
  • Area of science: Engineering Sciences
  • Degree offered: PhD (Computer Science)
  • Studies are based on MSc programs in computer science and computer engineering
  • Address: University of Szeged, Institute of Informatics 6720 Szeged, Árpád tér 2.
  • Postal address: University of Szeged, Doctoral School of Computer Science 6701 Szeged, PO. Box. 652
  • Phone: +36 62 546 715
  • Email: dscs@inf.u-szeged.hu

Head of the doctoral school: Prof. Dr. Márk Jelasity

Members of the School Board: Prof. Dr. Tibor Csendes, Dr. Rudolf Ferenc, Prof. Dr. Zoltán Gingl, Prof. Emeritus Dr. Tibor Gyimóthy, Prof. Dr. Márk Jelasity (chair), Prof. Dr. Zoltán Kató, and Prof. Dr. Kálmán Palágyi. Substitute Members: Dr. Péter Balázs and Dr. Attila Kertész. All the members are affiliated with the SZTE Institute of Informatics.

SZTE Doctoral Institute


Previous websites:

Former website of the Doctoral Program in Computer Science (1993-2001)
Former website of the Doctoral Program in Informatics of the Doctoral School of Mathematics and Computer Science (2001-2014)