Zoltan Kato
  [    Research Group   |   Software   |   Publications   |   Teaching   |   Contact info   |   CV   |   Photography   ]

How to reach me

University of Szeged
Institute of Informatics
P.O.Box 652
H-6701 Szeged

Tel :   +36 62 546 399 (office)
Fax :   +36 62 546 397
Email :   kato@inf.u-szeged.hu
WWW : http://www.inf.u-szeged.hu/~kato/

http://www.cs.ust.hk/~kato/ (HKUST mirror)

http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~kato/ (obsolet but still works)

http://www.cwi.nl/~kato/ (obsolet)
http://www.inria.fr/pastis/personnel/kato-fra.html (obsolet)

  [    Research Group   |   Software   |   Publications   |   Teaching   |   Contact info   |   CV   |   Photography   ]
Last modified: Wed Feb 16 11:12:13 CET 2005