(CS)2 -  The 14th Conference of PhD Students in Computer Science

Szeged, Hungary, July 3 - 5, 2024

Preliminary Program

Day 1: July 3

Session 1: Image Processing
session chair: Kálmán Palágyi
(Szőkefalvi room)
09:50A. H. M. Sajedul Hoque, Gergő Bognár and Fridli SándorQuantitative Radiomics Analysis of Lung CT Images Using Radial Harmonic Fourier Moments
10:20Tarlan Ahadli and Hajder LeventeDrone Localization using Stereo Vision and YOLOv7
11:00Plenary Talk
(Bolyai room)
Gábor Péter NagyGraphs, groups, and geometry
12:00Lunch - Hági Udvar (Kelemen L. utca 3.)
Session 2: Security
session chair: Ákos Kiss
(Szőkefalvi room)
13:30Martin Farkas, Imre Kocsis and Bertalan Zoltán PéterDesign Space Exploration of Verifiable Credential Schemas using Partial Graph Modeling
14:00Smiljana Knezev, Melinda Tóth and István BozóIdentifying security issues in Elixir web applications
14:30Attila Szász and Balázs BánhelyiNew interval-based training technique to parameter robustness
Session 3: Blockchain
session chair: Tamás Pflanzner
(Szőkefalvi room)
15:30Zsófia Ádám, Bertalan Zoltán Péter, Zoltán Micskei and Imre KocsisSmart Contract in the Loop: Fault Impact Assessment for Distributed Ledger Technologies
16:00Damaris Kangogo and Imre KocsisDesign of Hyperledger Fabric Private Data Collections with Formal Concept Analysis
16:30Wilson ValdezConvergence of Fog Computing, Blockchain, and Federated Learning for Advancing New Generation Networks
17:00Free program
18:30Gathering at the Rerrich square, behind the Bolyai Institute, travel to the Welcome Party suite
19:00Welcome Party
(Garden Stég, Közép Kikötő sor 1.)
Welcome Party

Day 2: July 4

Session 4: Testing
session chair: Attila Szatmári
(Szőkefalvi room)
9:00Patrik P. Süli, Judit Knoll and Zoltán PorkolábMultithreading Atomicity Static Analysis checkers in Java
9:30Zsófia Erdei, Melinda Tóth and István BozóSelecting Execution Path for Replaying Errors
10:00Norbert VándorEvaluating GPT-4 on a real Python bug dataset
11:00Plenary Talk
(Bolyai room)
Márk JelasityAdversarial Robustness of Deep Neural Networks
12:00Lunch - Hági Udvar (Kelemen L. utca 3.)
Session 5: Computation
session chair: Richárd Farkas
(Szőkefalvi room)
13:30Emília Heinc and Balázs BánhelyiEffective Heuristics for Accelerated Branch and Bound Solver of Process Network Synthesis Problems
14:00Mátyás SebőkMulti Model Recursion for Hungarian electricity load forecasting
14:30Imre Gera and András LondonClustering and Community Detection in Nested Graphs
15:00Ronglin Zuo and Bálint MolnárKnowledge Graph Powered LSTM in Stock Investment Decision Making
15:30Free program
16:20Social event
16:20Walk to the river Tisza
17:00Dragon boat on the river Tisza
18:00Free program
(Bolyai Institute 2nd floor)

Day 3: July 5

Session 6: Development 1
session chair: József Dániel Dombi
(Szőkefalvi room)
9:00Md. Easin Arafat and Tamás OroszEnhancing SAP Ecosystem: Harmonizing Open-Source Technologies for Integration and Innovation
9:30Zoltán Ságodi, István SiketState-of-the-Art Business Intelligence Applications: A Journey Through Time and Technology
10:00Daniel Ferenczi and Melinda TóthTowards correct dependency orders in Erlang upgrades
Session 7: Development 2
session chair: András Erik Csallner
(Szőkefalvi room)
11:00Imre Munkácsi, Márta Alexy Angyalné and Tamás Gábor OroszOptimizing SAP S/4HANA On-Premise with Cloud-Ready Extensions: a Clean-Core system
11:30Georgina Asuah, Md Easin Arafat and Orosz TamasOptimizing SAP Machine Learning-based Solutions through Custom API Integration
12:15Lunch - Hági Udvar (Kelemen L. utca 3.)

Last change: 2024-07-02