Name |
Session |
Title |
István Kádár | Testing | The Optimization of a Symbolic Execution Engine for Detecting Runtime Errors |
Rebaz Ahmed Hama Karim | Medical Solutions | Long-acting insulin management for blood glucose prediction model |
Péter Gyimesi | Program Analysis | An Automatic Way to Calculate Software Process Metrics of GitHub Projects With the Aid of Graph Databases |
Tibor Brunner | Programming Languages | Finding semantical differences between C++ standard versions |
Dávid Papp | Image Processing I. | Active Learning using Distribution Analysis for Image Classification |
Gábor Szőke | Model Matching | Finding Matching Source Code Elements in an AST Using Position Information |
György Kalmár | Image Processing II. | Image processing based automatic pupillometry on infrared videos |
Lajos Győrffy | Algorithm | The structure of pairing strategies for k-in-a-row type games |
Márton Búr | Cloud/IoT | Towards hierarchical and distributed run-time monitors from high-level query languages |
Máté Tömösközi | Networking | Regression Model Building and Efficiency Prediction of Header Compression Implementations for VoIP |
Oszkár Semeráth | Models | Validation of Well-formedness constraints on Uncertain Model |
Dániel Zombori | Optimization | Parallel implementation of a modular, population based global optimizer package |
Name |
Session |
Title |
János Baumgartner | Mining | Cox regression based process optimization |
Judit Tamás | Machine Learning | Classification based Symbolic Indoor Positioning over the Miskolc IIS Dataset |
Dénes Bán | Machine Learning | The Connection of Antipatterns and Maintainability in Firefox |
Ábel Garai | Medical Solutions | Common Open Telemedicine Hub and Interface Standard Recommendation |
Péter Gál | Programming Languages | Bringing a Non-object Oriented Language Closer to the Object Oriented World: A Case Study for A+.NET |
Ádám Budai | Image Processing I. | RJMCMC Optimization of marble thin section image segmentations |
Ferenc Attila Somogyi | Model Matching | On the Efficiency of Text-based Comparison and Merging of Software Models |
Krisztián Koós | Image Processing II. | Height Measurement of Cells Using DIC Microscopy |
Gábor Fábián | Algorithm | Physical simulation based technique for determining continuous maps between meshes |
Attila Selmeci | Cloud/IoT | Trends and paradigm change in ERP datacenter management |
Patrik János Braun | Networking | Improving QoS in web-based distributed streaming services with applied network coding |
Zsolt Bagóczki | Optimization | A parallelized interval arithmetics based reliable computing method on GPU |