Day 1: June 30 |
| 08:00Registration |
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| 08:45Opening |
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09:00 | Session 1: Recognition |
| | session chair: Róbert Mingesz |
09:00 | | Szabolcs Urbán, and Antal Nagy | Tumor Detection and Segmentation on Multimodal Medical Images | |
09:20 | | Bálint Fodor | Sum of Gaussian Functions Based 3d Point Cloud Registration | |
09:40 | | Melinda Katona, and László G. Nyúl | Fast Recognition of Natural Feature Identifiers by a Mobile Phone | |
10:00 | | Péter Bodnár, and László G. Nyúl | QR Code Localization Using Boosted Cascade of Weak Classifiers | |
10:20 | | Erika Griechisch, and Gábor Németh | Offline Signature Verification Using Similarity Measure for Skeletons | |
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| 10:40Break |
| 11:00Plenary Talk |
| | Prof. Pawel Pilarczyk | Computational homology | |
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| 11:50Break |
12:00 | Session 2: Medical Solutions |
| | session chair: László Nyúl |
12:00 | | Gyula Vörös | Expanding Small Corpora to Aid People with Communication Impairments | |
12:20 | | Tamás Dániel Nagy, Gergely Vadai, Zoltán Gingl, László Rudas, and Éva Zöllei | Phase Delay Detecting Methods to Analyse the Correlation Between Blood Pressure and Paced Breathing | |
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| 12:40Lunch |
| | In the Diáktanya restaurant. | |
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14:00 | Session 3: Software Quality |
| | session chair: Tamás Gergely |
14:00 | | Gergő Balogh | Validation of the City Metaphor in Software Visualization | |
14:20 | | Gergely Ladányi | Business Process Quality Measurement Using Advances in Static Code Analysis | |
14:40 | | Csaba Faragó | Variance of Source Code Quality Change Caused by Version Control Operations | |
15:00 | | Peter Szűcs | Challenges in Real-time Collaborative Editing | |
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| 15:20Break |
15:40 | Session 4: Software Testing |
| | session chair: Csaba Nagy |
15:40 | | Péter Hudák, and László Lengyel | Test-driven Verification of Model Transformations | |
16:00 | | Ferenc Horváth, Richárd Dévai, and Tamás Gergely | Structural Information Aided Automated Test Method for Magic 4GL | |
16:20 | | Ferenc Horváth, Benjamin Mészáros, and Tamás Gergely | Usability Testing of Android Applications | |
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| 16:40Break |
17:00 | Session 5: Mobile and ERP |
| | session chair: Ferenc Havasi |
17:00 | | Krisztián Pándi, and Hassan Charaf | Load Balancing Strategy in Mobile Resource Management | |
17:20 | | Attila Selmeci, and Tamás Orosz | New Approaches of Storing ERP Data | |
17:40 | | Attila Selmeci, and István Orosz | Workflow Processing Using SAP Objects | |
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| 18:00Free program |
| 19:00Reception |
| | At the Rector's Building, ground floor right hall. | |
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Day 2: July 1 |
09:00 | Session 6: Compilers and Languages |
| | session chair: Ákos Kiss |
09:00 | | Zsombor Paróczi | x86 Instruction Reordering and Split-stream Compression Benchmark | |
09:20 | | Máté Karácsony | Comparison of Source Code Transformation Methods for Clang | |
09:40 | | Áron Baráth, and Zoltán Porkoláb | Language Support for High-level Worst-case Execution Time Estimation | |
10:00 | | Boldizsár Németh, and Zoltán Kelemen | Derivable Partial Locking for Algebraic Data Types | |
10:20 | | Zsolt Borsi | A Translation of Interaction Relationships into SMV Language | |
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| 10:40Break |
| 11:00Plenary Talk |
| | Prof. Zoltán Horváth | Research, Innovation and Education in Infocommunication Technology (slides) | |
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| 11:50Introduction of Association of Hungarian PhD and DLA Students, Scientific Section of Mathematics and Informatics |
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| 12:00Plenary Talk |
| | Prof. John Milton | Transient stabilization of unstable states: why a stick balanced at the fingertip always falls? | |
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| 12:50Lunch |
| | In the Diáktanya restaurant. | |
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14:00 | Session 7: Image Processing |
| | session chair: Kálmán Palágyi |
14:00 | | Roberto Giachetta, and István Fekete | A Case Study of Advancing Remotely Sensed Image Processing | |
14:20 | | László Kundra, and Péter Ekler | Methods for Feature Point Aggregation of Optical Flow for Orientation Estimation | |
14:40 | | Norbert Hantos, and Péter Balázs | Eliminating Switching Components in Binary Matrices | |
15:00 | | Zoltán Ozsvár, and Péter Balázs | Reconstruction of hv-Convex Binary Matrices from Horizontal and Vertical Projections Based on Simulated Annealing | |
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| 15:20Break |
15:40 | Session 8: Mathematical Problems/Models |
| | session chair: Csanád Imreh |
15:40 | | Zoltán Gilián | Generalized Haar systems toolbox for MATLAB | |
16:00 | | Elvira Antal, and Tamás Vinkó | Mathematical Modeling of Max-min Fair Bandwidth Allocation in BitTorrent Communities | |
16:20 | | Zoltán Németh | Visualization and Analysis of Financial Transaction Networks - a Multidimensional Modeling Approach | |
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| 16:40Social Program |
| | Visit the Informatic Collection at Szent-Györgyi Albert Agóra. | |
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| 19:00Gala Dinner |
| | At the Rector's Building, 2nd floor ceremonial hall. | |
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Day 3: July 2 |
09:00 | Session 9: Artificial Intelligence |
| | session chair: Richárd Farkas |
09:00 | | Gábor Nagy, and Sándor Kazi | Filtering Noise from Stock related Twitter Messages | |
09:20 | | Sándor Kazi, and Gábor Nagy | A Scalable Parallel Boosting Scheme for Bulk Synchronous Parallel Environments | |
09:40 | | Zsombor Paróczi, Bálint Fodor, and Gábor Szűcs | Diversification for Content-Based Visual Information Retrieval System for Video | |
10:00 | | Gábor Nagy, Sándor Kazi, and Győző Papp | Distributed News Analytics Framework: Collecting News Feed Sources from Social Media | |
10:20 | | Balázs L. Lévai | Automatic Failure Detection and Monitoring of Ventilation and Cooling Systems | |
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| 10:40Break |
11:00 | Session 10: Optimization |
| | session chair: Tamás Vinkó |
11:00 | | Balázs L. Lévai | Automatic Design of LED Street Lights | |
11:20 | | Dávid Szalóki | Camera Placement Optimization in Object Localization Systems | |
11:40 | | László Hajdu, Miklós Krész, and Attila Tóth | Two-phase Graph Coloring Heuristic for Crew Rostering | |
12:00 | | Viktor Árgilán, Balázs Dávid, János Balogh, József Békési, and Miklós Krész | Heuristic Approach for the Driver Scheduling Problem | |
12:20 | | Balázs Dávid, János Balogh, Viktor Árgilán, and Miklós Krész | Integrating Fast Heuristics into a Decision Support System for Vehicle Rescheduling | |
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| 12:40Lunch |
| | In the Diáktanya restaurant. | |
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14:00 | Session 11: Data Mining |
| | session chair: Tibor Csendes |
14:00 | | István T. Nagy | Automatic Detection of Multiword Expressions with Dependency Parsers on Different Languages | |
14:20 | | György Kovács, and László Tóth | The Joint Optimization of Spectro-Temporal Features and Deep Neural Nets for Robust ASR | |
14:40 | | András London, and Tamás Németh | Application of Graph Based Data Mining Techniques in Administrational Systems of Education | |
15:00 | | Gábor Imre, and Gergely Mezei | Graph Transformation-based Opinion Mining in Web Queries | |
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| 15:20Closing |
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