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| Preface | 3 |
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| Contents | 4 |
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| Preliminary Program | 5 |
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| Abstracts | 12 |
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| Bonato, Thorsten | Lifting and Separation Procedures for the Cut Polytope | 12 |
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| Bozóki, Ferenc Erős, Levente | Test Component Assignment and Scheduling in a Load Testing Environment | 13 |
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| Csernenszky, András | The Chooser-Picker 7-in-a-row-game | 14 |
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| Csernetics, László | Backprojection Reconstruction Algorithm Using Order Statistic Filters In Breast Tomosynthesis | 15 |
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| Csorba, Kristóf Vajk, István | Searching for Similar Documents Between Mobile Devices | 17 |
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| Dévai, Gergely | Metaprogramming on the Proof Level | 18 |
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| Dombi, József Dombi, József Dániel | Function Approximation with Fuzzy Operators | 19 |
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| Erdőhelyi, Balázs | Bone Fragment Repositioning Using Registration Methods | 20 |
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| Fischer, Ferenc | Calculation and Application of the Dynamic Function Level Dependencies in Java Programs | 21 |
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| Főző, Csaba Gáspár-Papanek, Csaba | 3-level Confidence Voting Strategy for Dynamic Fusion-Selection of Classifier Ensembles | 22 |
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| Fuchs, Martin Neumaier, Arnold | Potential Clouds in Robust Design | 23 |
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| Fülöp, Lajos Jenő Hegedűs, Péter Ferenc, Rudolf | Introducing a Benchmark for Evaluating Reverse Engineering Tools | 25 |
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| Gara, Mihály Balázs, Péter | Determination of Geometric Features of Binary Images from Their Projections by Using Decision Trees | 26 |
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| Hunyadi, Levente | An Identification Approach to Dynamic Errors-in-variables Systems with a Preliminary Clustering of Observations | 27 |
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| Illyés, László | A Special Human Resource Allocation Problem | 28 |
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| Jász, Judit | Efficient Static Impact Analysis | 29 |
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| Kardkovács, Zs. T. Gáspár-Papanek, Cs. Szabó, G. Sipőcz, E. Pécsi, G. | High Precio sion Pedestrian Recognition in Low Resolution Images | 30 |
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| Kardos, Péter Németh, Gábor | An Order-Independent Sequential Thinning Algorithm | 32 |
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| Kertész, Attila Dombi, József Dániel Dombi, József | Adaptive Scheduling Solution for Grid Meta-brokering | 34 |
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| Kovács, György Németh, Gábor | Skeletonization Based on Neighborhood Sequences | 36 |
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| Legány, Csaba Raluca, Popa Kaszó, Márk | Modeling Web Service Interaction Using Markovian Processes | 38 |
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| Marton, József Gajdos, Sándor | In-memory Preprocessing of Streaming Sensory Data Partitioned Relational Database Approach | 40 |
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| Nagy, Tamás Horváth, Zoltán Lövei, László Tóth, Melinda Nagyné Víg, Anikó | Call Graph and Data Flow Analysis of a Dynamic Functional Language | 42 |
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| Németh, Tamás Imreh, Csanád | Parameter Learning Algorithms in Online Scheduling | 44 |
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| Pál, László | Matlab Version of the GLOBAL Optimization Method | 45 |
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| Pál, László | A Global Optimization Algorithm for INTLAB | 46 |
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| Pásztor, Attila | Research of Swarm Intelligence Simulation with the Help of NXT Robots | 47 |
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| Pataki, Norbert Dévai, Gergely | A Comparative Study of C++ Standard Template Library's Formal Specification | 48 |
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| Piirainen, Ville | Principal Varieties of Finite Congruences | 49 |
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| Prinz, Jan-Hendrik | Enhanced Phasespace Sampling of Biomolecular Systems Using Metastability | 50 |
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| Rácz, Anett | Determining Initial Bound by "Ray-method" in Branch and Bound Procedure | 51 |
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| Sajó, Levente | Enhancing Facial Features Detection with Deformable Face Templates | 52 |
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| Siket, István | Evaluating the Effectiveness of Object Oriented Metrics for Bug Prediction | 54 |
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| Sisak, Áron | Verification of UML 2 State Machines by Automated Model Transformation to the SAL Model Checker | 55 |
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| Stuhl, Izabella | Steiner loops | 56 |
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| Szádeczky-Kardoss, Emese | Designing a Tracking Controller for Passenger Cars with Steering Input | 57 |
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| Szűgyi, Zalán Porkoláb, Zoltán | Necessary Test Cases for Decision Coverage and Modified Condition / Decision Coverage | 59 |
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| Tejfel, Máte Istenes, Zoltán Jeni, László A. | Verified Mobile Code Repository in the Intelligent Space | 60 |
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| Tóth, Gabriella | Analysis of Size Differences Between Static and Dynamic Slices | 61 |
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| List of Participants | 62 |
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| Notes | 66 |
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