IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance, Budapest, Sept 25-30, 2005
Conference News
2005-10-03   Post-event page
2005-09-21   Detailed program
2005-09-21   Tutorial 3 cancelled
2005-09-14   Software Evolvability 2005 - Program On-line
2005-08-26   Tutorial 4 cancelled
2005-08-26   List of alternative accomodations
2005-08-24   Visa information
2005-08-23   Next ICSM conference: ICSM 2006, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
2005-07-12   Detailed information on Tutorials
2005-06-30   ICSM 2005 Registration is in operation
2005-06-21   Detailed program available
2005-06-17   STEP 2005 homepage available
2005-05-19   Hotel Accomodation Form available
2005-05-02   registration fees published
2005-04-19   preliminary program is online
2005-04-08   interview with Harry M. Sneed on CSMN
  Beginning April 7, 2005, the Yahoogroup CSMN (Computer SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE Network) will start mailing (to CSMN members), and posting the three-part Interview with Harry M. Sneed, the General Chair, on ICSM.
The Part 1 of the interview, conducted by Girish Parikh, was mailed to the CSMN members on April 7, 2005. The Parts 2 and 3 will be mailed in the weeks of April 11, and April 18 respectively.
If you would like to receive the Interview, please become a member of CSMN.
2005-04-06   research papers submission closed
2005-03-31   alternative submission URL
  If you have any problems with CyberChair please use this URL for submission:
2005-03-22   ICSM 2005 Daily reports on Computer SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE Network
  There will be "ICSM 2005 Daily" reports during the Conference in JOGP (Journals of Girish Parikh) on the Web site of the Yahoogroup CSMN (Computer SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE Network).
2005-03-07   deadline for Research Papers extended
2005-02-23   journal special issues: IEEE TSE, JSME
2004-12-21   updated calls with submission information
2004-11-10   final list of Program Committee members
2004-11-02   updated call for papers

Organized by the University of Szeged, Hungary

Last modified: 2005-03-22