import gym import numpy as np from simple_pid import PID import matplotlib.pyplot as plt env = gym.make('CartPole-v0') # PID testing with gym pars=[0.3,0.01,0.1] setpoint = 0; pid = PID(pars[0], pars[1], pars[2], setpoint) #pid.output_limits = (0, 1) # Limit output to the range of action space pid.sample_time = 0.01 # new output will only be calculated when sample_time seconds has passed observation = env.reset() # reset the simulation environment simulation_time = 199; # set the simulation time log_err = np.zeros(simulation_time) # log the error signal abs_force_sum = 0 # main loop for t in range(simulation_time): env.render() # render the simulation cartpos = observation[0] # position of the cart angle = observation[2]*(180/np.pi) # angle of the pole err = setpoint - angle; # error calculation log_err[t] = err; # log the error for visualization force_k = pid(err); abs_force_sum += np.absolute(force_k) observation, reward, done, info = env.step(force_k) # do the action, get the measurements if done: # if Pole Angle is more than +-12 deg or Cart Position is more than +-2.4 (center of the cart reaches the edge of the display) the simulation ends break abs_error_sum = np.sum(np.absolute(log_err)) print(abs_error_sum) print(abs_force_sum) plt.plot(log_err[1:t])