Rajmund Mokso

Name: Rajmund Mokso
Affiliation: Technical University of Denmark
Primary research interest: X-ray Imaging methods: phase contrast, dynamic scanning trajectories

Title of the lecture: Inverse problems in modern X-ray imaging: phase retrieval and 4DCT
Keywords: phase contrast, dynamic imaging
Summary: Many of the spectacular achievements in X-ray imaging in the past 20 years were realized due to the development of a new contrast modality based on the diffraction or refraction effect. The so called phase-contrast imaging was first discovered at synchrotron X-ray facilities, but the past 3 years are marked by the ascent of commercial phase contrast scanners that can bee installed in any laboratory. This enables the visualization of new features and faster scanning. In my lecture I will introduce the basic formulation of the phase enhanced image and its interpretation. I will highlight the consequences of this modern type of scanning on the subsequent image analysis workflows. The examples will cover mainly high resolution visualization of biological tissue.