
It may change slightly
Thursday 11th July
Irinyi building, 217 lecture room, Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 103, Stairway III, 2nd floor.
15:00Project description
16:00Familiarizing with the lab
17:15End of the first day
Friday 12th July
9:00Attila Fazekas: Image Classification
10:00Cofee break
10:15László Papp: The Hypes and Hopes of Quantum Computing in Medical Imaging Science
11:15Cofee break
11:30Joost Batenburg: Interactive Tomography and its Applications in Cultural Heritage
13:30Lab work
Tutors: Attila Fazekas, László Papp, Roxane Licandro
18:00End of the second day
Saturday 13th July
9:00Csaba Olasz: Artifact reduction in X-ray computed tomography
10:00Cofee break
10:15Roxane Licandro: Early Life Medical Image Analysis with Machine Learning
11:15Cofee break
11:30Tamas Ungi: Ultrasound image processing with artificial neural networks
13:30Lab work
Tutors: Csaba Olasz, Roxane Licandro, László Papp
18:00End of the third day
Sunday 14th July
8:30Excursion: Boat trip
Meet at 8:20 (sharp) in front of the student hostel.
We will guide you to the port.
11:30Lunch: Fish soup, pasta with quark
14:00Free program
18:00End of the fourth day
Monday 15th July
9:00Ivan Štajduhar: RadiologyNET: A large-scale multimodal medical database for transfer learning
10:00Cofee break
10:15Rajmund Mokso: Inverse problems in modern X-ray imaging: phase retrieval and 4DCT
11:15Cofee break
11:30Teodora Selea: Deep Learning for Earth Observation
13:30Lab work
Tutors: Ivan Stajduhar, Rajmund Mokso, Teodora Selea
18:00End of the fifth day
Tuesday 16th July
9:00Kálmán Palágyi: Skeletonization methods and applications
10:00Cofee break
10:15Csaba Beleznai: Spatial robot vision: spatial representation learning for geometric reasoning
11:15Cofee break
11:30Csaba Benedek: Scene analysis and environment model synthesis from multisensorial spatial data
13:30Lab work
Tutors: Kálmán Palágyi, Csaba Beleznai, Csaba Benedek
18:00End of the sixth day
Wednesday 17th July
9:00Tibor Lukić: Introduction to mathematical models in tomography, denoising and computer vision
10:00Cofee break
10:15UNIV.-PROF.DR. Erich Sorantin: Selected Topics in Medical Image Processing
11:15Cofee break
11:30András Horváth: Exploring Neural Network Robustness: Examining Adversarial Samples from Classification Challenges to Three-Dimensional Reconstruction
13:30Lab work
Tutors:Tibor Lukic, András Horváth, Teodora Salea
18:00End of the seventh day
Thursday 18th July
9:00Attila Tanács: Extended Reality (VR, AR, MR) – Approaches, Background, and Devices
10:00Cofee break
10:15Krisztián Koós: Interactive Segmentation with Foundation Models
12:30Lab work
Tutors: Attila Tanács, Krisztián Koós, Tibor Lukic
18:00End of the eighth day
Friday 19th July
9:00Final Test & Questionnaire
10:00Cofee break
10:15Preparing for project evaluation
13:00Project evaluation
17:00Gala dinner
Saturday 20th July
9:00Closing, Departure
12:00End of the SSIP 2024

SSIP 2024 venue

Boat trip

Gala Diner