Joost Batenburg

Name: Joost Batenburg
Affiliation: Professor of Imaging and Visualization
Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Primary research interest: Tomography

Title of the lecture: Interactive Tomography and its Applications in Cultural Heritage
Keywords: CT, Cultural Heritage
Summary: Most objects in the collections of cultural history museums can only be observed from the outside. However, the inside of the objects, which we cannot see, often contains a wealth of information about the making of the objects and their condition. Using 3D scanning techniques, such as CT scanning, these hidden traces can be visualized: finger prints of the maker that can be seen inside the clay, tool marks that tell us about the tools that have been used to craft the object, year rings inside wooden panels that can be used for dating, etc.

The standard 3D scanning techniques have never been developed with these applications in mind. In this talk, I will outline how CT methods can be adapted to the context of cultural heritage museums and how they can be used in an interactive manner, to answer a wide range of questions.