Tibor Lukic

Name: Tibor Lukic
Affiliation: Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad
Primary research interest: optimization methods, image processing, digital and discrete geometry, tomography

Title of the lecture: Introduction to Mathematical Models in Image Processing
Keywords: energy minimization, calculus of variations, regularization, total variation, optimization methods.
Summary: Energy minimization models are often used in different image processing problems, such as denoising, deblurring, segmentation and tomography. Incorporating a priori information about the original object into the energy minimization model is called regularization. Several variants of total variation based regularizations will be analyzed and discussed. Calculus of variations is a mathematical discipline which may provide excellent tools for design, analysis and solving of many energy minimization models in image processing. The presentation will provide a brief introduction to this discipline and give an overview of several important applications.