Dr. habil. Attila Kertesz, DSc. is an associate professor at the Department of
Software Engineering, University of Szeged, leading the IoT Cloud research group at the department.
He is also the Vice Dean of Public Relations of the Faculty of Science and Informatics of the University of Szeged.
He graduated as a program-designer mathematician in 2005, received his Ph.D. degree at the SZTE Doctoral School of Computer Science in 2011, habilitated at the University of Szeged in 2017, and received the Doctor of the Academy (DSc) degree of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 2024.
His research interests include the federative management of Blockchain, IoT, Fog and Cloud systems, and interoperability issues of distributed systems in general.
He is the European PI of the SO-SMART EIG-CONCERT EU-Japan project, and a group leader at the Swarmchestrate EU HORIZON project.
He has coordinated the FogBlock4Trust sub-grant project of the TruBlo EU H2020 project, and the national project OTKA FK 131793 financed by the Hungarian Scientific Research Fund.
He has more than 150 publications with more than 2500 citations.
Actual courses
2023-2025: Blockchain Fundamentals and Applications, Simulating IoT-Cloud systems, Parallel programming, Programming languages (CooSpace, NEPTUN)
Past courses
2019-2024: Introduction to Cloud and IoT systems, Parallel programming and Programming languages, System Development I.
2015-2019: Parallel programming and Programming languages, Infrastructure and data services in Cloud
System Development I.
2014-2015: Infrastructure and data services in Cloud Computing, Parallel programming and Programming
2013-2014: Infrastructure and data services in Cloud Computing
2011-2013: Application development in distributed systems: from Grids to Clouds, and Introduction to
2008-2011: Grid Computing: History and recent developments, and Grid Computing in practice
2009-2010 II. Semester: Programming languages
2003-2008: System Development I., Parallel and Distributed Systems, and Programming languages
2002-2003 II. Semester: Distributed Computations
2002-2003 I. Semester: Compilers
Project involvement
Ongoing projects:
2024-: A proactive Social-based framework for SMART transportation, SO-SMART EIG CONCERT-Japan project; Role: European PI; Involvement: Blockchain, IoT, and cloud infrastructure management
2022-2025: Cloud and Blockchain Infrastructure Management research group (CBIM-RG) of the Smart Systems Research Institute (TKP2021-NVA-09); Role: RG leader; Involvement: Blockchain infrastructure Research and Development
Finished projects:
2020-2024: Connecting Education and Research Communities for an Innovative Resource Aware Society (CERCIRAS), EU COST Action CA19135; Role: MC member; Involvement: IoT, Fog and cloud modelling, resource scheduling
2020-2024: Sensors, IoT and Telecommunications field of Hungarian Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB); Role: WG5 member; Involvement: AI-assisted IoT research
2018-2023: INDoor AIR POLLution NETwork (INDAIRPOLLNET), EU COST Action CA17136; Role: MC member; Involvement: sensor modelling, IoT and cloud support
2019-2022: Analysing IoT device and application behaviour modelling to foster efficient management of Cloud and Fog environments, NKFIH-FK (OTKA) 131793 project; Role: project leader; Involvement: IoT, Fog and Cloud system simulation
2021-2022: FogBlock4Trust sub-grant project of Trusted and reliable content on future blockchains (TruBlo EU H2020 project), Role: project leader; Involvement: Blockchain and Fog integrated application development
2018-2021: Infrastructure Platform Development research group (IPD-RG) of the Smart Systems Research Institute (2018/FEKUSTRAT, TUDFO/2019, NKFIH/2020); Role: RG leader; Involvement: IoT and cloud support, cloud infrastructure management
2017-2021: Cloud research group of the Internet of Living Things EU-funded National Excellence Project (GINOP-2.3.2-15-2016-00037); Role: RG leader; Involvement: IoT and cloud support
2018-2021: Cloud research package of the Innovation of intelligent life science technologies and approaches and development of innovative services based on the Szegedien knowledge base project; (EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00008); Role: senior researcher; Involvement: cloud infrastructure management and deployment, application porting
2015-2018: dEcentralized repositories for traNsparent and efficienT vIrtual machine opErations, ENTICE EU H2020 project; Role: senior researcher; Involvement: Cloud VM optimization, application decomposition, microservice composition
2013-2017: Autonomous Control for a Reliable Internet of Services (ACROSS), EU ICT COST Action IC1304; Role: MC member; Involvement: cloud and IoT simulation
2014-2015: Industrial collaboration projects with Ericsson Hungary on automatic application deployment with OpenStack; Role: project leader; Involvement: cloud service development, IoT support
2011-2014: SCIentific gateway Based User Support, SCI-BUS EU FP7 project; Role: researcher; Involvement: cloud resource management in scientific gateways
2010-2014: Integrated Sustainable Pan-European Infrastructure for Researchers in Europe, EGI-InSPIRE EU FP7 project; Role: researcher; Involvement: resource management solutions for Distributed Computing Infrastructures
2009-2013: Open European Network for High Performance Computing on Complex Environments (ComplexHPC), EU ICT COST Action IC0805; Role: researcher; Involvement: cloud resource management solutions, simulation
2010-2012: SHaring Interoperable Workflows for large-scale scientific simulations on Available DCIs, SHIWA EU FP7 project; Role: researcher; Involvement: workflow interoperability solutions
2008-2012: Software Services and Systems, S-Cube EU FP7 Network of Excellence; Role: researcher; Involvement: cloud resource management solutions
2004-2008: European Research Network on Foundations, Software Infrastructures and Applications for large scale distributed, GRID and Peer-to-Peer Technologies, CoreGrid EU FP6 Network of Excellence; Role: researcher; Involvement: grid resource management solutions
Editorial activities: Editorial board member of Editorial board member of Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems from 2024, Springer Cluster Computing from 2020 and Springer
Journal of Grid Computing from 2019; Guest Editor of a Special Issue in MDPI Sensors in 2020 and
CSCS Special Issue of Acta Cybernetica Journal in 2018 and 2020; Academic Editor of Journal of
Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2017-2018; Co-Editor of book on Developing Interoperable
and Federated Cloud Architectures, IGI Global 2016.
Conference Program Chair: CCISA of PDP 2023, CCISA of PDP 2022, CCISA of PDP 2021, IoTSMS 2020, PF of FMEC 2020, CCISA of PDP 2020, PF of FMEC 2019, CCISA of PDP 2019, CCISA of PDP 2018, CCISA of PDP 2017, CCISA of PDP 2016, CCISA of PDP 2015, FedICI at EuroPar 2014, CCISA of PDP 2014, FedICI at EuroPar 2013, CCISA of PDP 2013.
Conference PC member of more than 80 conferences, including: CLOUD 2025, CLOSER 2025, BCCA 2024, UCC 2024, IOTSMS 2024, CLOSER 2024, UCC 2023, DT4Meta 2023, CLOSER 2023, UCC 2022, UBICOMM 2022, UCC 2021, EuroPar 2021, CLOUD COMPUTING 2021, CLOUD 2021, UCC 2020, CCGRID 2020, UCC 2019, CrossCloud 2019, UCC 2018, CloudCom 2017, FiCloud 2017, DAIS 2017.
2020-2024: CERCIRAS Management Committee
2018-2023: INDAIRPOLLNET Management Committee
2016-: HiPEAC Community
2014-: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication
2013-2017: ACROSS Management Committee
2015: European Alliance for Innovation
2005-2008: CoreGrid Institute on Resource Management and Scheduling
2017-2018: New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Human Capacities of Hungary.
2016-2017: Janos Bolyai Research Scholarship, HAS, Hungary.
2017: Short Term Scientific Mission in the ICT COST Action IC1304 project at LJMU, Liverpool, UK.
2016-2017: UNKP PostDoctoral Scholarship on "Investigating data management in IoT Cloud Systems",
University of
Szeged, Hungary.
2013-2014: Zoltan Magyary PostDoctoral Scholarship on "Investigating interoperability issues of Cloud
Federations", University of Szeged, Hungary.
2009-2011: Participation in the S-CUBE Mobility Program in the following institutes: CNR, CITY, USTUTT,
2007, 2008: Participation in the CoreGRID Researcher Exchange Program in the following institutes: UPC,
Barcelona, Spain, and TUD, Delft, The Netherlands.
2007/2008: Pre-doctoral scholarship, SZTE, Informatika Oktatasert es Kutatasert Alapitvany, Hungary.
Prof. Dr. Peter Kacsuk.
2007.05-06: CEEPUS scholarship, JKU, Linz, Austria. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmuller.
2005. 03-07: CEEPUS scholarship, JKU, Linz, Austria. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Dieter Kranzlmuller.
2004-2007: Ph.D. scholarship at the University of Szeged, Hungary. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Kacsuk.
Invited talks
A. Kertész: Modelling and Realizing Fog-assisted Blockchain Systems. CERCIRAS Training School
2022, Split, Croatia, Sept. 19-24, 2022.
A. Kertész: Simulation and behaviour analysis of complex systems. CERCIRAS Training School
2022, Split, Croatia, Sept. 19-24, 2022.
A. Kertész: Integrating Fog Computing and Blockchain Technology for Applications with Enhanced
Trust and Privacy. LSDVE’21 workshop of EuroPar’21, Lisbon, Portugal, 31 August, 2021.
A. Kertesz: Investigating performance issues of IoT Cloud systems by means of simulations. COST ACROSS
School on Latency Control for Internet of Services, Karlstad, Sweeden, 26 June – 1 July 2017.
A. Kertesz: Federating Clouds: Solutions and Research Directions. Autonomous Control for Reliable Future
Networks and Services - 2nd COST ACROSS Summer School, Opatija, Croatia, 27-31 May, 2016.
A. Kertesz, T. Pflanzner, R. Tornyai, Interoperable Data Management Approaches for Cloud and Mobile
Joint CLEEN and ACROSS Workshop on Cloud Technology and Energy Efficiency in Mobile Communications in
conjunction with the European Conference on Networks and Communications, Paris, France, June 29, 2015.
A. Kertesz, Cloud Federation Approaches, Summer School on Grid and Cloud Workflows and Gateways,
Hungary, 1-6 July 2013.
A. Kertesz, G. Kecskemeti, Towards Energy-aware Cloud Federations, Joint COST-804 and COST-805 Action
Cork, Ireland, Oct. 18-19, 2012.
A. Kertesz, G. Kecskemeti, Marc Oriol, I. Brandic, M. Parkin: Monitoring and adapting services on
Clouds, S-Cube Final Review, Essen, Germany, April 17, 2012.
A. Kertesz, I. Brandic, G. Kecskemeti, M. Oriol: Adaptive SLA-aware Cloud Federations, S-Cube Industry
Thales, France, Feb. 24, 2012.
A. Kertesz, G. Kecskemeti, M. Oriol, I. Brandic: Adaptive Cloud Federations, S-Cube Review Rehearsal,
Italy, Jan 30, 2012.
A. Kertesz, Autonomic Resource Virtualization in Cloud-like Environments, Joint EGEE and EDGeS Summer
School on
Grid Application Support, Budapest, Hungary, 4 July, 2009.
A. Kertesz, Grid Interoperability Issues in Resource Management: Questions and Solutions, CoreGRID Summer
2007, Budapest, September 3-7, 2007.