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Projects of Attila Kuba
SZOTE-PACS is the Picture Archiving and Communication System of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Medical University. It is able to collect studies from CT, MR, SPECT, US and modalities and convert them into DICOM format.
MicroSEGAMS is an AMIGA-based system to perform and evaluate isotope-diagnostic studies. It was created using the experiences with SUPER-SEGAMS.
Supplement to SEGAMS-80 with the creation and evaluation of SPECT studies. It became possible to create user programs for the system in FORTRAN.
The improvement of the SEGAMS system that made possible to automate the image acquisition and evaluation. The system could be generated in different languages as well.
SEGAMS: A tree-structured hierarchical data processing system. The software system of a gamma camera connected to a minicomputer that can be used to acquire and evaluate the most common types of nuclear medicine studies used in clinical routine.