Papers |
- Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage (with F. Döbrand and H. Vogler), Information and Computation, 31B paper: 105205 (2024)
- A Comparison of Sets of Recognizable Weighted Tree Languages Over Specific Sets of Bounded Lattices (with H. Vogler), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 35(1,2) (2024) 51-76.
- Decidability Boundaries for the Finite-Image Property of Weighted Finite Automata (with M. Droste, D. Kószó), International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, 34(6) (2023) 633-553.
- Finite-image property of weighted tree automata over past-finite monotonic strong bimonoids (with M. Droste, D. Kószó, and H. Vogler), Theoretical Comuter Science, 919 (2022) 118-143.
- Principal Abstract Families of Weighted Tree Languages (with H. Vogler), Information and Computation, 282 (2022) 104657.
- Crisp-determinization of weighted tree automata over strong bimonoids (with D. Kószó and H. Vogler), Discrete Mathematics and theoretical Computer Science, 23(1) (2021) paper 18.
- Crisp-Determinization of Weighted Tree Automata over Additively Locally Finite and Past-Finite Monotonic Strong Bimonoids Is Decidable (with M. Droste, D. Koszo, and H. Vogler), In: Proc. of DCFS 2020 (Eds. Pighizzini, Giovanni and Jiraskova, Galina), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 12442, Springer-Verlag, 2020, 39--51.
- A Kleene Theorem for Weighted Tree Automata over Tree Valuation Monoids (with M. Droste and D. Götze), Information and Computation, 269 (2019) 104445.
- Composition Closure of Linear Weighted Extended Top-Down Tree Transducers (with A. Maletti), In: Proc. of CIAA 2019 (Eds. Hospodár, Michal; Jiraskova, Galina), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11601, Springer-Verlag, 2019, 133-145.
- Rational Weighted Tree Languages with Storage and the Kleene-Goldstine Theorem (with H. Vogler), In: Proc. of CAI 2019 (Eds. Pin, Jean-Eric; Droste, Manfred; Ciric, Miroslav), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 11545, Springer-Verlag, 2019, 138-150.
- Weighted iterated linear control( with H. Vogler), Acta Informatica 56 (2018) 447-469.
- Weighted Languages Recognizable by Weighted Tree Automata (with Z. Gazdag), Acta Cybernetica 23 (2018) 867-886.
- Weighted Regular Tree Grammars with Storage (with L. Hermann and H. Vogler),
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 21(1) (2018) 1-44.
- Characterizations of Recognizable Weighted Tree Languages by Logic and Bimorphisms (with H. Vogler),
Soft Computing 22 (2018) 1035-1046, DOI: 10.1007/s00500-015-1717-2.
- Minimization of Deterministic Top-down Tree Automata (with S. Vágvölgyi), Acta Cybernetica 23 (2017) 379-401.
- Composition Closure of Linear Extended Top-down Tree Transducers (with J. Engelfriet and A. Maletti), Theory of Computing Systems, 60 (2017) 129-171.
- Linking theorems for tree transducers (with A. Maletti), Journal of Computer and System Sciences 82 (2016) 1201-1222.
- A Kleene Theorem for Weighted Tree Automata over Tree Valuation Monoids (with M. Droste and D. Götze), In: Proc. of LATA 2016 (Eds. A.-H. Dediu, J. Janousek, C.-M. Vide, and B. Truthe), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 9618, Springer-Verlag, 2016, 452-463.
- Local Weighted Tree Languages, Acta Cybernetica 22 (2015) 393-402.
- Characterizing Weighted MSO for Trees by Branching Transitive Closure Logics (with H. Vogler),
Theoretical Computer Science 594 (2015) 82-105.
- Forward and Backward Application of Symbolic Tree Transducers (with H. Vogler),
Acta Informatica 51 (2014) 297-325.
- Composition Closure of epsilon-free Linear Extended Top-down Tree Transducers (with A. Maletti), In: Proc. of DLT 2013 (Eds. M. P. Béal and O. Carton), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7907, Springer-Verlag, 2013, 239-251.
- Equational Weighted Tree Transformations (with S. Bozapalidis and G. Rahonis), Acta Informatica 49 (2012) 29-52.
- A Büchi-like Theorem for Weighted Tree Automata over Multioperator Monoids (with T. Stüber and H. Vogler), Theory of Computing Systems 50 (2012) 241-278.
- Weighted Extended Tree Transducers (with A. Maletti and H. Vogler), Fundamenta Informaticae 111 (2011) 163-202.
- Equational Weighted Tree Transformations with Discounting (with G. Rahonis), In: Algebraic Foundations in Computer Science (Eds. W. Kuich and G. Rahonis), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7020, Springer-Verlag, 2011, 112-145.
- Equational Tree Transformations (with S. Bozapalidis and G. Rahonis), Theoret. Comput. Science 412 (2011) 3676-3692.
- Varieties of Recognizable Tree Series over Fields (with M. Steinby), Theoret. Comput. Science 412 (2011) 736-752.
- Preservation of Recognizability for Synchronous Tree Substitution Grammars (with A. Maletti and H. Vogler), In: Proceedings of the 2010 Workshop on Applications of Tree Automata in Natural Language Processing (F. Drewes and M. Kuhlmann eds.) The Association for Computational Linguistics, 2010, 1-9.
- Weighted Tree-Walking Automata (with L. Muzamel). Acta Cybernetica 19 (2009) 275-293.
- Weighted Tree Automata and Tree Transducers (with H. Vogler). In: M. Droste, W. Kuich, and H. Vogler, editors, Handbook of Weighted Automata, Chap. 9, Springer, Berlin, 2009.
- Decomposition of Weighted Multioperator Tree Automata (with T. Stüber and H. Vogler), Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci., 20 (2009) 221-245.
- Formal Series of General Algebras over a Field and Their Syntactic Algebras (with M. Steinby),
In: Automata, Formal Languages, and Related Topics (Z. Ésik and Z. Fülöp eds.) Novadat, 2009, 55-78.
- A Kleene Theorem for Weighted Tree Automata over Distributive Multioperator Monoids (with A. Maletti and H. Vogler), Theory of Computing Systems, 44 (2009) 455-499.
- Pebble Macro Tree Transducers with Strong Pebble Handling (with L. Muzamel), Fundamenta Informaticae, 89 (2008) 207-257.
- Circularity, Composition, and Decomposition Results for Pebble Macro Tree Transducers (with L. Muzamel), Journal of Automata, Langauges and Combinatorics, 13 (2008) 3-44.
- Compact Representation of Hungarian Corpora (with A. Kertész-Farkas and A. Kocsor) (in Hungarian), Alkalmazott Nyelvtudomány 1-2 (2005) 61-70.
- An Introduction to Tree Transducers, Formal Methods in Computing (Eds. M. Ferenczi, A. Pataricza and L. Rónyai), Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, 2005, 199-258.
- Recent Results on Pebble Macro Tree Transducers (with L. Muzamel), In. Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Algebraic Informatics (October 20 - 23 2005, Thessaloniki), 281-284.
- Linear Deterministic Multi Bottom-up Tree Transducers, (with A. Küehnemann and H. Vogler), Theoret. Comput. Science, 347 (2005) 275-287.
- Bounds for Tree Automata with Polynomial Costs (with B. Borchardt, Zs. Gazdag and A. Maletti), Journal of Automata, Langauges and Combinatorics, 10 (2005) 107-157.
- A bottom-up characterization of deterministic top-down tree transducers with regular look-ahead (with A. Küehnemann and H. Vogler), Inf. Process. Letters, 91 (2004) 57-67.
- Weighted Tree Transducers (with H. Vogler), Journal of Automata, Langauges and Combinatorics, 9 (2004) 31-54.
- Hiererchies of Tree Series Transformations (with Zs. Gazdag and H. Vogler), Theoret. Comput. Science, 314 (2004) 387-429.
- Tree Tranducers with Costs (with H. Vogler), In. Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Automata and Formal Languages (August 13 - 18, 2002, Debrecen, Hungary).
- Tree Series Transformations that Respect Copying (with H. Vogler), Theory of Computing Systems, 36 (2003) 247-293.
- Shape Preserving Top-Down Tree Transducers (with Zs. Gazdag), Theoret. Comput. Science, 304 (2003) 315-339.
- Bottom-up and Top-down Tree Series Transformations (with J. Engelfriet and H. Vogler), Journal of Automata, Langauges and Combinatorics, 7 (2002) 11-70.
- Iterated Relabeling Tree Transducers (with A. Terlutte), Theoret. Comput. Science, 276 (2002) 221-244.
- Branching-Pattern Analysis of the Dendritic Arborization in the Thalamic Nuclei of the Rat Brain (with Cs. Szigeti and K. Gulya), Acta Biologica Hungarica, 53 (2002) 177-186.
- The Component Hierarchy of Chain-Free Cooperating Distributed Regular Tree Grammar Systems (with G. Dányi), Theoret. Comput. Science, 262 (2001) 229-240.
- Characterizing Importan Subclasses of Attributed Tree Transformations by Macro Tree Transducers, Journal of Automata, Langauges and Combinatorics 6 (2001) 145-189.
- Restricted Ground Tree Transducers (with S. Vágvölgyi), Theoret. Comput. Science, 250 (2001) 219-233.
- Domains of Partial Attributed Tree Transducers (with S. Maneth), Inf. Process. Letters, 73 (2000) 175-180.
- A Characterization of Attributed Tree Transformations by a Subclass of Macro Tree Transducers (with H. Vogler), Theory of Computing Systems, 32 (1999) 649-676.
- Distributed Tree Precessing Devices, Computers and Artificial Intelligence, 18 (1999) 37-71.
- On One-Pass Term Rewriting (with E. Jurvanen, M. Steinby and S. Vágvölgyi), Proc. of MFCS 98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Eds. L. Brim, J. Gruska, és J. Zlatusak), Vol. 1450, 248-256. Folyóirat verzió: Acta Cybernetica 14 (1999) 83-98.
- A Characterization of ETOL Tree Languages by Cooperating Regular Tree Grammars (with S. Maneth), Grammatical Models of Multi-Agent Systems (Eds. G. Paun és A. Salomaa), Gordon and Breach, 1998, 182-192.
- Compositions with Superlinear Deterministic Top-Down Tree Transformations (with G. Dányi), Theoret. Comput. Science 194 (1998) 57-85.
- Minimal Equational Representations of Recognizable Tree Languages (with S. Vágvölgyi), Acta Informatica 34 (1997) 59-84.
- Super-Linear Deterministic Top-Down Tree Transducers (with G. Dányi), Math. Systems Theory, 29 (1996) 507-534.
- A note on the equivalence problem of E-patterns (with G. Dányi), Inf. Process. Letters 57 (1996) 125-128.
- Attributed tree transducers cannot induce all deterministic bottom-up tree transformations (with S. Vágvölgyi), Information and Computation 116 (1995) 231-240.
- Undecidable properties of deterministic top-down tree transducers, Theoret. Comput. Science, 134 (1994) 311-328.
- On injectivity of deterministic top-down tree transducers (with P. Gyenizse), Inform. Process. Lett. 48 (1993) 183-188.
- Tree Transducers with External Functions (with F. Hermann, S. Vágvölgyi and H. Vogler), Theoret. Comput. Science 108 (1993) 185-236.
- Decidability of the inclusion in monoids generated by tree transformation classes (with S. Vágvölgyi), Tree Automata and Tree Languages (Eds. M. Nivat és A. Podelski), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1992, 381-408.
- Ground term rewriting rules for the word problem of ground term equations (with S. Vágvölgyi), Bulletin of the EATCS 45 (1991) 186-201.
- A complete description for a monoid of deterministic bottom-up tree transformation classes, Theoret. Comput. Science 88 (1991) 253-268.
- A complete classification of deterministic root-to-frontier tree transformation classes (with S. Vágvölgyi), Theoret. Comput. Science 81 (1991) 1-15.
- Decidability Questions in Monoids Generated by Tree Transformation Classes (in Hungarian), Alkalmazott Matematikai Lapok 15 (1990-91) 219-266.
- The emptiness problem is undecidable for domains of partial monadic 2-modular tree transformations (with S. Vágvölgyi), Inform. Process. Lett. 36 (1990) 293-296.
- A characterization of irreducible sets modulo left linear term rewriting systems by tree automata (with S. Vágvölgyi), Fundamenta Informaticae 13 (1990) 211-226.
- A Complete Rewriting System for a Monoid of Tree Transformation Classes (with S. Vágvölgyi), Information and Computation 86 (1990) 195-212.
- Top-down tree transducers with deterministic top-down look-ahead (with S. Vágvölgyi), Inform. Process. Lett. 33 (1989/90) 3-5.
- Variants of Top-Down Tree Transducers with Look-Ahead (with S. Vágvölgyi), Math. Systems Theory 21 (1989) 125-145.
- Congruential tree languages are the same as recognizable tree languages (with S. Vágvölgyi), Bulletin of the EATCS 39 (1989) 175-185.
- Iterated deterministic top-down look-ahead (with S. Vágvölgyi) Proc. FCT'89, Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Eds. Csirik J., Demetrovics J. és Gécseg F.), Vol. 380, 175-184.
- A finite presentation for a monoid of tree transformation classes (with S. Vágvölgyi), Proc. 2nd Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming Systems (Eds. Gécseg F. és Peák I.), Dept. of Mathematics, University of Economics, Budapest (1988), 115-124.
- On domains of 2-modular tree transducers (with S. Vágvölgyi), Proc. 2nd Conference on Automata, Languages and Programming Systems (Eds. Gécseg F. és Peák I.), Dept. of Mathematics, University of Economics, Budapest (1988), 125-139.
- On domains of tree transducers (with S. Vágvölgyi), Bulletin of the EATCS 34 (1988) 55-61.
- On ranges of compositions of deterministic root-to-frontier tree transformations (with S. Vágvölgyi), Acta Cybernet. 8 (1988) 259-266.
- An infinite hierarchy of tree transformations in the class NDR (with S. Vágvölgyi), Acta Cybernet. 8 (1987) 153-168.
- Results on compositions of deterministic root-to-frontier tree transformations (with S. Vágvölgyi), Acta Cybernet. 8 (1987) 49-61.
- Decomposition results concerning K-visit attributed tree transducers, Acta Cybernet. 6 (1983) 163-171.
- On attributed tree transducers, Acta Cybernet. 5 (1981) 261-279.