Parsing C++ source code and extracting information from it is inherently a very difficult task (and for most researchers it is out of their scope of work). Finding a standard way of interchanging this information among tools – e.g. a C++ parser front-end and a metrics tool – is of crucial importance. As a basically already accepted medium for information interchange in re-engineering, GXL was chosen as the underlying representation. One of the most powerful features of GXL is the handling of schemas that can be represented as UML class diagrams. Therefore the standard C/C++ schema proposal is also presented as a UML class diagram. The model is supplemented with key examples (C/C++ snippets).
author = {Ferenc, Rudolf},
title = {A short introduction to the {C}olumbus Proposal for a standard {C/C++} Schema},
institution = {University of Szeged},
year = {2001},
type = {techreport},
address = {Szeged, Hungary},