Curriculum vitae


Name:                  János Csirik

Born:                   April 14, 1946 in Ambrózfalva, Hungary

Family:                Married. 2 children

Citizenship:          Hungarian



          Dr. Rher. Nat., József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary, 1973.

          Candidate of Math. Sci., Hungarian Academy of Sciences.

               Budapest, Hungary, 1977.

          Doctor of Math. Sci., Hungarian Academy of Sciences,

               Budapest, Hungary, 1990.

Positions held:

          Research worker, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary, 1969-1977

          Senior research worker, József Attila University, Szeged, Hungary, 1978-1990

          Professor and Head of Dept. of Applied Computer Science, József Attila

               University, Szeged, Hungary, 1990-95

          Vice-rector of József Attila University, 1991-1992

          Rector of József Attila University, 1992-1994

          Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Culture and Education, 1994-95

          Head of the Department of Computer Sciences, József Attila University, 1995-2010

          Dean of Faculty of Sciences, University of Szeged, 2005-2008

Visiting positions:

          Vienna, Austria, 1974 (Boltzmann-fellowship), 5 months

          Erlangen, West-Germany, 1980-81 (Humboldt-fellowship), 1 year

          London, UK, 1981, 1 month

          Erlangen, West-Germany, 1983 (Humboldt-fellowship), 5 months

          Berne, Switzerland, 1987, 10 months

          Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 1989-1990, 10 months

          Berne, Switzerland, 1991, 1 month

          Berne, Switzerland, 1994,1 month

          Munich, Germany, 1996, (Humboldt fellowship), 3 months

          AT&T Research Labs, NJ., USA, 1998, (Fulbright-fellowship), 3 months

          Graz, Austria, 1999, 1 month

          Columbia University, New York, 2000, 1 month

          Berne, Switzerland, 2001, 1 month

          Berne, Switzerland, 2002, 2 months

          Munich, Germany, 2002-2003, 12 months

          Berne, Switzerland, 2008, 2 months

          Trier, Germany, 2011, 1 month

Awards:         Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, 1981

                        Kalmár Prize of the Hungarian Computer Society, 1983

                        Bolyai Farkas Prize,1999

                        Szechenyi Prize, 2009

Fields of research:

Analysis of algorithms, pattern recognition, medical image processing, computer applications.