4D reconstruction studios are used to create complete dynamic 3D
models of moving articulated objects such as dancing people.
A typical 4D studio is a room equipped with a synchronised, calibrated
video cameras arranged in a dome-like fashion around the scene where
the action to be modelled takes place. To simplify the segmentation of
the moving objects, the walls and the floor are usually covered by uniform,
easy-to-detect background. Typical algorithmic components of a studio
are foreground segmentation, 3D reconstruction, 3D mesh computation and
processing, and texture mapping. In this lecture we discuss the hardware
and software components of a typical 4D studio. The lecture will be
illustrated by examples of operation on real data. The material is based
on our experience of developing studios in INRIA, Grenoble (The Flamenco
Project) and at MTA SZTAKI, Budapest.
For initial information, see