In this year the Summer School in Image Processing will be held in Szeged between 4th and 9th of September 1995. Andrew Todd-Pokropek found source for this school (many thanks for him). The aims of the meeting are similar to the two previous ones: to give lectures to the students interested in image processing and its applications, to have exercises in solving different interesting problems and to bring together young people and lecturers of the field. Accordingly, we expect lecturers (1 or 2) from each universities and maximum 5 good students. The program will be settled later. But similarly to the previous years (this is soon the 3rd Summer School), we plan lectures in the mornings, exercises in the afternoons (Educational Cabinet, 6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 103. tel: (36)-62-454138) and some sport/cultural events as well. It is also traditional that the participants form small teams (4-5 persons per team) such that a team consists of persons from different universities. Interesting image processing problems are posed and to be solved by the teams. The teams presenting the best solutions on the last day of the SSIP get prizes. The following universities seem to come to SSIP'95:
There will be no registration fee. The accomodation will be in the dormitory (Hermann Ottó Kollégium, 6727 Szeged, Temesvári krt. 50-52, tel: (36)-62-454309 (reception) tel: (36)-62-454311 (Megyeri Árpádné, manager)) of the József Attila University. You need not to pay for it.
Please write us if you would like to take part in the school.
Seeing you in Szeged on SSIP'95.
To see the map of the city click here.
To see the railway time-table between Budapest and Szeged click here.
Public transport opportunities of Szeged.
You can buy T-shirt with our logo at Marianna Nagy in her office.
Some pictures of the last nigth.
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