Initiate a session with the Maple Computer Algebra System.
Expressions are read from standard input and the results are
produced on the standard output as as each input expression
is read. Maple has the ability to algebraically manipulate
unbounded integers, exact rational numbers, real numbers
with arbitrary precision, symbolic formulae, polynomials,
sets, lists, and equations. It can solve systems of equa-
tions and differentiate and integrate formulae.
Type at your prompt: maple. Press ENTER.
Help Information
At your maple command line type '?' and press ENTER. If you want some
help about commans type at your command line: ?command and press ENTER.
There is a Maple user's group which interacts by electronic mail.
This group can be reached by mailing to: or
Manual available.
First Leaves: A Tutorial Introduction to Maple by B.W. Char,
K.O. Geddes, G.H. Gonnet, M.B. Monagan, S.M.Watt (1988).
Maple Reference Manual by B.W. Char, K.O. Geddes, G.H. Gon-
net, M.B. Monagan, S.M.Watt (1988).
Maple V Release Notes by Waterloo Maple Software (1990).
The mint command.
First Leaves: A Tutorial Introduction to Maple by B.W. Char,
K.O. Geddes, G.H. Gonnet, M.B. Monagan, S.M.Watt (1988).
Maple Reference Manual by B.W. Char, K.O. Geddes, G.H. Gon-
net, M.B. Monagan, S.M.Watt (1988).
Maple V Release Notes by Waterloo Maple Software (1990).