by Viktor Varjas, Attila Tanacs
Recognition of car make and model from frontal images is a common problem in computer vision. We refined existing approaches based on ROIs defined relative to the number plate. Square-Mapped-Gradient features are extracted from the ROI and recognition is accomplished by classification utilizing a learning set. The classifier is evaluated using ground truth data provided manually. Via numerical simulations we evaluated the detection tolerance of the method and proposed semi-automatic and fully automatic methods. The SMG-based classification is able to give nearly perfect results when there is no outlier class, which decreases to 92\% and 87\% in case of the semi-automatic and fully automatic methods, respectively. Separation between outliers and known types can be balanced by a threshold. Since the size of the learning set can be kept low and the size of the SMG features are small, this approach can be successfully used to solve mobile client-server scenarios.
Viktor Varjas, Attila Tanacs, Car Recognition from Frontal Images in Mobile Environment, In Proceedings of International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis (G. Ramponi, S. Loncaric, A. Carini, K. Egiazarian, eds.), Trieste, Italy, pp. 812-816, 2013, IEEE. (ISBN 978-953-184-187-0)
Bibtex Entry:
@string{ispa="Proceedings of International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis"}
AUTHOR = {Viktor Varjas and Attila Tanacs},
TITLE = {Car Recognition from Frontal Images in Mobile Environment},
YEAR = {2013},
ADDRESS = {Trieste, Italy},
EDITOR = {G. Ramponi and S. Loncaric and A. Carini and K. Egiazarian},
MONTH = {September},
PAGES = {812-816},
ABSTRACT = {Recognition of car make and model from frontal
images is a common problem in computer vision. We refined
existing approaches based on ROIs defined relative to the number
plate. Square-Mapped-Gradient features are extracted from the
ROI and recognition is accomplished by classification utilizing a
learning set. The classifier is evaluated using ground truth data
provided manually. Via numerical simulations we evaluated the
detection tolerance of the method and proposed semi-automatic
and fully automatic methods. The SMG-based classification is
able to give nearly perfect results when there is no outlier class,
which decreases to 92\% and 87\% in case of the semi-automatic
and fully automatic methods, respectively. Separation between
outliers and known types can be balanced by a threshold. Since
the size of the learning set can be kept low and the size of the
SMG features are small, this approach can be successfully used
to solve mobile client-server scenarios.},
note = {ISBN 978-953-184-187-0},
pdf = {publications/ISPA2013.pdf}