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Dear registered SSIP students, Now we would like to give some information about the summer school. 1.) The accomodation is reserved for all participants of SSIP. The address is: Hermann Otto Kollegium, H-6727, Szeged, Temesvari krt. 50-52. tel: (36)-62-454309 (reception) tel: (36)-62-454311 (Megyeri Arpadne, manager) If somebody is not able to participate on the summer school, please write us an email immediately. In this year we have more applicants than available places, therefore we would invite other persons from the waiting list. 2.) There will be one or two people at the railway station who will be waiting for attendees at every train which is coming from Budapest. (If somebody comes from another direction, please let us know it in advance!) They will stand at the exit and show an SSIP'99 poster, so you will recognize them easily. They will give you a map of the city. The most important places will be marked on this map that you should know during the summer school: - Railway Station - Accommodation - Computer Center - Computer Labs They will give instruction how you can get to your accommodation. The accommodation can be occupied from 10 o'clock am on Friday. 3.) For people who will stay in the student hostel, the registration will be there. (Those who will have their accommodation in another place can be register at the Computer Center from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm). The people at the registration will help you to find your rooms. They will help you to get to the Computer Center to the opening ceremony which will start at 6:00 pm. 4.) Those who will give a lecture in the Students' Session please take into account: + each talk get 20 minutes with discussions + there will be available for the presentations:   overhead projector,   slide projector and   computer with projector (with standard english Office 97). If you need another tools (software or something else) to give your talk please let us know it in advance and we will try to arrange it. We are kindly asking you to bring your presentation in electronic form also. We would like to put your presentation on the web and we will make a copy to hand out for the participants. 5.) The preliminary program can be found at It always shows the current status of the program. 6.) We have created a mailing list for the summer school. You can subsribe on the list at: This list tries to inform all list members according to the summer school before and after it. We recomend you to subscribe on this list for all participants who are coming from abroad and, of course, for people from Hungary as well. What is for this mailing list: You can: - ask anything and the list member will try to help you, - make a meeting point at Budapest or somewhere else, - you have problem with travelling, - etc. We hope this list will help the participants to get contact with each other. That's all. If something escaped our attention please contact us. Thank you again for comming to Szeged. See you in Szeged: SSIP organizers |