Poster: Supporting JavaScript Experimentation with BugsJS
Béla Vancsics, Péter
Gyimesi, Andrea Stocco, Davood
Mazinanian, Árpád Beszédes, Ferenc Rudolf and Ali Mesbah
In our recent work, we proposed BugsJS, a benchmark of
several hundred bugs from popular JavaScript serverside programs.
In this abstract paper, we report the results of our initial
evaluation in adopting BugsJS to support an experiment in fault
localization. First, we describe how BugsJS facilitated accessing
the information required to perform the experiment, namely, test
case code, their outcomes, their associated code coverage and
related bug information. Second, we illustrate how BugsJS can be
improved to further enable easier application to fault
localization research, for instance, by filtering out failing test
cases that do not directly contribute to a bug.
We hope that our preliminary results will foster researchers in
using BugsJS to enable highly-reproducible empirical studies and
comparisons of JavaScript analysis and testing tools.
Keywords: JavaScript, bug
database, real bugs, fault localization, benchmark,
reproducibility, BugsJS.