Relating Code Coverage, Mutation Score and Test Suite
Reducibility to Defect Density
Dávid Tengeri, László Vidács, Árpád
Beszédes, Judit Jász, Gergő Balogh, Béla
Vancsics and Tibor Gyimóthy
Assessing the overall quality (adequacy for a particular
purpose) of existing test suites is a complex task. Their code
coverage is a simple yet powerful attribute for this purpose, so
the additional benefits of mutation analysis may not always
justify the comparably much higher costs and complexity of the
computation. Mutation testing methods and tools slowly start to
reach a maturity level at which their use in everyday industrial
practice becomes possible, yet it is still not completely clear in
which situations they provide additional insights into various
quality attributes of the test suites. This paper reports on an
experiment conducted on four open source systems’ test suites to
compare them from the viewpoints of code coverage, mutation score
and test suite reducibility (the amount test adequacy is degraded
in a reduced test suite). The purpose of the comparison is to find
out when the different attributes provide additional insights with
respect to defect density, a separately computed attribute for the
estimation of real faults. We demonstrate that in some situations
code coverage might be a sufficient indicator of the expected
defect density, but mutation and reducibility are better in most
of the cases.
Keywords: Mutation
analysis, code coverage, defect density, test adequacy criteria,
test suite reduction.