Differences in the Definition and Calculation of the LOC Metric
in Free Tools
István Siket, Árpád Beszédes and John Taylor
The software metric LOC (Lines of Code) is
probably one of the most controversial metrics in software
engineering practice. It is relatively easy to calculate,
understand and use by the different stakeholders for a variety of
purposes; LOC is the most frequently applied measure in software
estimation, quality assurance and many other fields. Yet, there is
a high level of variability in the definition and calculation
methods of the metric which makes it difficult to use it as a base
for important decisions. Furthermore, there are cases when its
usage is highly questionable – such as programmer productivity
assessment. In this paper, we investigate how LOC is usually
defined and calculated by today’s free LOC calculator tools. We
used a set of tools to compute LOC metrics on a variety of open
source systems in order to measure the actual differences between
results and investigate the possible causes of the deviation.