Change Impact Analysis at System Level
Gabriella Tóth, Csaba Nagy, Judit Jász,
Beszédes and Lajos Jenő Fülöp
The research field of change impact analysis plays an
important role in software engineering theory and practice nowadays.
Not only because it has many scientific challenges, but it has many
industrial applications too (e.g., cost estimation, test optimization),
and the current techniques are still not ready to fulfill the
requirements of industry. Typically, the current solutions lack a
whole-system view and give either precise results with high computation
costs or less
precise results with fast algorithms. For these reasons, they are not
applicable to large industrial systems where both scalability and
precision are very important. In this paper, we present a project whose
main goal is to develop an innovative change impact analysis
software-suit based on recent scientific results and modern
technologies. The suite will use hybrid analysis techniques to benefit
from all the advantages of static and dynamic analyses. In addition, it
will be able to determine the dependencies at system level of software
with heterogeneous architecture. The software is being developed by
FrontEndART Ltd. while the theoretical and technological background is
provided by the Department of Software Engineering at the University of
Szeged. The project is funded by the Economic Development Operational
Programme, New Hungary Development Plan.
Keywords: change impact
analysis, static analysis, dynamic analysis, hybrid analysis,
system-level dependencies.