New Ranking Formulas to Improve Spectrum Based Fault
Localization Via Systematic Search
Qusay Idrees Sarhan,
Tamás Gergely and
Árpád Beszédes
In Spectrum-Based Fault Localization (SBFL), when some
failing test cases indicate a bug, a suspicion score for each
program element (e.g., statement, method, or class) is calculated
using a risk evaluation formula based on basic statistics (e.g.,
covering/not covering program element in passing/failing test)
extracted from test coverage and test results. The elements are
then ranked from most suspicious to least suspicious based on
their scores. The elements with the highest rank are believed to
have the highest probability of being faulty, thus, this
light-weight automated technique aids developers to find the bug
earlier. Several SBFL formulas were proposed in the literature,
but the number of possible formulas is infinite. Previously,
experiments were conducted to automatically search new formulas
(e.g., using genetic algorithms). However, no systematic search
for new formulas were reported in the literature. In this paper,
we do so by examining existing formulas, defining formula
structure templates, generating formulas automatically (including
already proposed ones), and comparing them to each other.
Experiments to evaluate the generated formulas were conducted on
Debugging, automated fault localization, spectrum-based fault
localization, formulas, systematic search.