Static Execute After/Before as a Replacement of Traditional
Software Dependencies
Judit Jász,
Beszédes, Tibor
Gyimóthy and Václav Rajlich
The paper explores Static Execute After (SEA) dependencies
in the program and their dual Static Execute Before (SEB) dependencies.
It empirically compares the SEA/SEB dependencies with the traditional
dependencies that are computed by System Dependence Graph (SDG) and
program slicers. In our case study we use about 30 subject programs
that were previously used by other authors in empirical studies of
program analysis. We report two main results. The computation of
SEA/SEB is much less expensive and much more scalable than the
computation of the SDG. At the same time, the precision declines only
very slightly, by some 4% on average. In other words, the precision is
comparable to that of the leading traditional algorithms, while
intuitively a much larger difference would be expected. The paper then
discusses whether based on these results the computation of the SDG
should be replaced in some applications by the computation of the
Keywords: Source code analysis, program dependencies, System
Dependence Graph, program slicing, Static Execute After.