iFL for Eclipse - A Tool to Support Interactive Fault
Localization in Eclipse IDE
Gergő Balogh, Victor Schnepper
Lacerda, Ferenc Horváth
and Árpád Beszédes
We present a tool to aid Spectrum-Based Fault
Localization (SBFL). A possibility to increase the practical
usefulness of SBFL tools is to involve interactivity. In our
approach, called iFL, we involve the user's previous knowledge
about the system: the developer interacts with the fault
localization algorithm by giving feedback on the elements of the
prioritized list. iFL for Eclipse supports iFL for Java projects
developed in this environment. The plug-in reads the tree of
project elements (classes and methods) and lists them in a table
with detailed information. This includes the suspiciousness scores
calculated using a traditional SBFL formula such as Tarantula.
Interactivity between the tool and the programmer is achieved by
providing the possibility to send feedback to the FL engine about
the table elements and their context. The user can choose from the
following options: (1) the item is faulty (the process stops), (2)
it is not faulty nor its context (they are moved lower in the
rank), or (3) it is not faulty but the context is suspicious (they
are ranked higher). During the live demonstration, we will give a
walkthrough of all features of the tool.
Keywords: Spectrum-Based
Fault Localization (SBFL), Interactive debugging, Eclipse plug-in.