of a Unified Software Quality Platform in the Szeged InfoPólus
Árpád Beszédes, Lajos Schrettner and
Tibor Gyimóthy
In Software Quality Assurance, system status reports are
key to the stakeholders for controlling software quality. Although we
may rely on a large number of low level measurements to this end, their
interpretation and the way of connecting them to high level quality
attributes is always a challenge. In this paper we report on a complex
project involving industrial partners whose aim is the development of a
unified software quality platform that deals with and bridges these low
and high level quality aspects, and provides a basis for the industrial
applications of the approach. The project is implemented by a
consortium of software industry members of the Szeged Software
Innovation Pole Cluster and associated researchers with the support
from the EU co-financed national grant promoting innovation clusters of
small and middle-sized enterprises. The approach to the unified quality
platform is based on the Goal-Question-Metric paradigm and a supporting
software infrastructure, and its novelty lies in a unified
representation of the low level metrics and the high level questions
that evaluate them to address software quality assurance goals. It
allows the definition of various complex questions involving different
types of metrics, while the supporting framework enables the automatic
collection of the metrics and the calculation of the answers to the
questions. We present details about the design and development of the
quality platform and its relation to the applications that are being
developed by the industrial members of the consortium.
Keywords: Software quality
assurance, Metrics, Goal Question Metric, Quality model, Modeling.