Empirical Investigation of SEA-Based Dependence Cluster
Árpád Beszédes, Lajos Schrettner, Béla Csaba, Tamás
Gergely, Judit Jász and Tibor
Dependence clusters are (maximal) groups of source code
entities that each depend on the other according to some
dependence relation. Such clusters are generally seen as
detrimental to many software engineering activities, but their
formation and overall structure are not well understood yet. In a
set of subject programs from moderate to large sizes, we observed
frequent occurrence of dependence clusters using Static Execute
After (SEA) dependences (SEA is a conservative yet
efficiently computable dependence relation on program
procedures). We identied potential linchpins; these are
procedures that can primarily be made responsible for keeping the
cluster together. Furthermore, we found that as the size of the
system increases, it is more likely that multiple procedures are
jointly responsible as sets of linchpins. We also give a heuristic
method based on structural metrics for locating possible linchpins
as their exact identication is unfeasible in practice, and
presently there are no better ways than the brute-force method. We
defined novel metrics to be able to uncover clusters of different
sizes in programs, and also to relate programs in terms of their
degree of clusterization. Finally, we present a possible
application of SEA-based dependences in change impact analysis,
and investigate the effect of dependence clusters on the
successfulness of this activity.
Keywords: Source code
dependence analysis, Dependence clusters, Linchpins and linchpin
sets, Static Execute After, Change impact analysis.