CodeMetropolis: Eclipse over the City of Source Code
Gergő Balogh, Attila Szabolics and Árpád Beszédes
The graphical representations of software (code
visualization in particular) may provide both professional
programmers and students learning only the basics with support in
program comprehension. Among the numerous proposed approaches, our
research applies the city metaphor for the visualisation of such
code elements as classes, functions, or attributes by the tool
CodeMetropolis. It uses the game engine of Minecraft for the
graphics, and is able to visualize various properties of the code
based on structural metrics. In this work, we present our approach
to integrate our visualization tool into the Eclipse IDE
environment. Previously, only standalone usage was possible, but
with this new version the users can invoke the visualization
directly from the IDE, and all the analysis is performed in the
background. The new version of the tool now includes an Eclipse
plug-in and a Minecraft modification in addition to the analysis
and visualization modules which have also been extended with some
new features. Possible use cases and a detailed scenario are
Keywords: Integrated
Development Environment, software visualization, city-metaphor,