Using Backward Dynamic Program Slicing to Isolate Influencing
Statements in GDB
Árpád Beszédes, Tibor Gyimóthy,
Gábor Lóki, Gergely Diós and Ferenc Kovács
Program slicing is a program analysis technique initially
introduced to assist debugging, based on the observation that
programmers mentally form program slices when they debug and understand
programs. Namely, only those statements need to be investigated that
actually influenced the erroneous value, and eventually, these
statements constitute the backward
dynamic program slice. An efficient algorithm to compute such
slices has been implemented in the GCC/GDB environment, which adds a
new slice command to
retrieve the slice for a given program entity. In this paper, a
background on program slicing is given, followed by the details of
implementation. The dependences are computed after 'gimplification' in
GCC, while STABS format is used to transfer them to GDB. The initial
experimental results are presented as well.